KnobMan/SkinMan Examples

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Ok. Thanks to your tips, i was able (at least i hope so) to knock my skin up a notch!
May be a few things can be optimized, but it looks definitly better than before!
Thanks to you guys! ;)



this is not my work. but a japanese knobman-user 'az' publish as free materials.



those are nice!


Those are really nice!
I'm totaly stunned.
Specially the VU-Meter (the blue one) and the metal switch... and the 303 like knobs...


Wow! Really nice! :)



Image                              (click to enlarge)


I've learned quite a lot from everyone here. I wanted to share my first attempt at a knob. I'm building a ctrlr editor/vst for the Blofeld using the Largo UI design. I've attempted to recreate those beautiful metal knobs

Largo UI Example :

I'm close, but not quite there. It's not as shiny or metallic looking as I wanted. I'm happy with it though.


comments, changes, suggestions welcome
Last edited by Filch on Mon May 30, 2011 9:11 am, edited 1 time in total.


whiteLABEL - now set free : whiteLABEL ||


I've also made my first attempt at a trying to copy the horizontal sliders from the Largo UI. I can't seem to get it quite right. The red bar doesn't look as curved or as glassy, or rich in redness. I can't quite dial that in.

.knob ... lider.knob



Filch wrote:Image
comments, changes, suggestions welcome
Put something like this as a .bmp into the texture folder and apply the texture to the knob (30% or so).


Filch wrote:I've also made my first attempt at a trying to copy the horizontal sliders from the Largo UI. I can't seem to get it quite right. The red bar doesn't look as curved or as glassy, or rich in redness. I can't quite dial that in.
"Lighting - Specular": 0 deg, 20%
or make it darker, copy the object, make the upper copy a little smaller, with lighter color and blur it.
Place a third copy over it, make it bigger, blur it max. and Alpha 40% or so.


Filch wrote: Image

comments, changes, suggestions welcome
You probably want to add a custom texture to them to make the surface appear less smooth and give it a brushed (or whatever that's called) look. You could try something as simple as noise with a "spin" blur (usual you find what you need from under radial blur).

Also the inner shadow with the outer ring is probably overdone, as it makes it look as if the outer ring is as high as the knob itself.

But yeah, not bad at all. :)


WOK wrote: Put something like this as a .bmp into the texture folder and apply the texture to the knob (30% or so).

It's very subtle and it works great, thanks!!

I wanted to add the texture to the embossed outside ring, but the textures don't wrap on those apparently.


mystran wrote: You probably want to add a custom texture to them to make the surface appear less smooth and give it a brushed (or whatever that's called) look. You could try something as simple as noise with a "spin" blur (usual you find what you need from under radial blur).

Also the inner shadow with the outer ring is probably overdone, as it makes it look as if the outer ring is as high as the knob itself.

But yeah, not bad at all. :)
I reduced the offset of the shadow and it's not as pronounced now. I wanted to make the knob look taller by offsetting the knob shadow more, but since it's just a circle, once it gets too far out it doesn't work anymore.

Any suggestions on how to make a longer shadow to make the knob look taller?


WOK wrote:
Filch wrote:I've also made my first attempt at a trying to copy the horizontal sliders from the Largo UI. I can't seem to get it quite right. The red bar doesn't look as curved or as glassy, or rich in redness. I can't quite dial that in.
"Lighting - Specular": 0 deg, 20%
or make it darker, copy the object, make the upper copy a little smaller, with lighter color and blur it.
Place a third copy over it, make it bigger, blur it max. and Alpha 40% or so.
The lighting trick worked well enough for me. I tried the layered trick but I couldn't quite get it to look right. It would get too hard to see the slider ticks beneath. I'll have to try experimenting more with that.

Thanks so much for advice.

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