T6 feature requests and bugs

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Simple question:
Is it possible to open a Tracktion 5 Project in Tracktion 6?
Every time i want to open my T5 edit in T6, the program crashes.


Specker wrote:Simple question:
Is it possible to open a Tracktion 5 Project in Tracktion 6?
Every time i want to open my T5 edit in T6, the program crashes.
It is, but if you save it in T6, you'll never be able to open it in T5 again.

Send your logfile to support.
[W10-64, T5/6/7/W8/9/10/11/12/13, 32(to W8)&64 all, Spike],[W7-32, T5/6/7/W8, Gina16] everything underused.


There seems to be a problem with T6.1.0 and FXpansion Geist on Win 7 x64 systems.
It simply doesn't work. The Geist GUI appears, but thats all. No Kit or Hit loading. No transport start/stop and/or sync. I tried several Geist versions (; and the most recent
All standalone Geist.exe work flawlessly.

I have no problems with Geist and T6.1.0 on my Win XP machine though.
There it works as expected.

Anyone else having the same issue?

!! EDIT:
Forget about it! :dog: User error. Got it working now. :party:


Bug with midi clock on Linux

When I activate the midi clock out for a midi device the clock is transmitted but twice or more faster like the current bpm. All connected midi devices are running to fast. Not usable at the moment.


swindus wrote:Bug with midi clock on Linux

When I activate the midi clock out for a midi device the clock is transmitted but twice or more faster like the current bpm. All connected midi devices are running to fast. Not usable at the moment.
We've had this problem reported before and it turned out to be that the MIDI clock was set up to be sent to the device twice.

Can you ensure that you only have one MIDI device configured to send MIDI clock? You can view this by clicking on the output devices in the list on the "MIDI Devices" settings page. There is green button labelled "Send MIDI Clock".


When I set language to English , I can open edits on version 6.1.0.
It’s OK.
But if once I set language to Japanese , I cannot open each edit.
T6 shut down with no alert.

MacbookPro mid2010
2.4GHz C2D 16GBRam


jabe wrote:
Specker wrote:Simple question:
Is it possible to open a Tracktion 5 Project in Tracktion 6?
Every time i want to open my T5 edit in T6, the program crashes.
It is, but if you save it in T6, you'll never be able to open it in T5 again.

Send your logfile to support.
Thank you, i wasn´t aware of that log file.
It seems to be that the maschine2 plugin has caused the crash.


Please! I think that these two requests regarding the Windows installers for both Tracktion 5 and Tracktion 6 could easily be implemented, and you could then check them off of your to-do list:

[1] Please provide a way to distinguish between the 32-bit and 64-bit installations of Tracktion 5 and Tracktion 6 in the Windows "Uninstall or change a program" dialog box. This would prevent folks from unintentionally uninstalling the version of Tracktion 5 or 6 (32 or 64-bit) that he/she actually intended to keep:

[2] Please persist the Destination Folder from the last install of Tracktion and recall it in the next run of the installer. This would be a real time-saver for those of us who do not install Tracktion to the default location (C:\Program Files\Tracktion 6, or C:\Program Files (x86)\Tracktion 6):

Thank you for your time and consideration! :)
[Core i7 8700 | 32GB DDR4 | Win11 x64 | Studio One 6 Pro | FL Studio ASIO/WASAPI ]


dRowAudio wrote:
swindus wrote:Bug with midi clock on Linux

When I activate the midi clock out for a midi device the clock is transmitted but twice or more faster like the current bpm. All connected midi devices are running to fast. Not usable at the moment.
We've had this problem reported before and it turned out to be that the MIDI clock was set up to be sent to the device twice.

Can you ensure that you only have one MIDI device configured to send MIDI clock? You can view this by clicking on the output devices in the list on the "MIDI Devices" settings page. There is green button labelled "Send MIDI Clock".
I have checked and if I configure only one MIDI device to send MIDI clock the bpm is correct. But the clock jumps in time when I loop a region in Tracktion after some looping. So there is no way to send the clock to more than one MIDI hardware without an additional MIDI thru box or using the MIDI thru on the hardware? Still not useable, sorry.

How does Tracktion access the MIDI devices? Pure ALSA?
What is the preferred setting for the jack MIDI driver? None, raw or seq?

Thanks! Keep up the good work on the Linux release. :)


FR: Clip effects - these are really handy for audio clips, can we get the same functionality on midi clips?


FR: Easier way to populate an edit with multiple stem files.

Perhaps I am just missing something, but when you select multiple audio files from the browser to add to your edit, they all go to one track, lined up consecutively. It would be vastly more convenient if the files all went to separate tracks. Please consider this, or in case there already is a way to do this someone please mention it! Thanks.


Kang wrote:FR: Easier way to populate an edit with multiple stem files.

Perhaps I am just missing something, but when you select multiple audio files from the browser to add to your edit, they all go to one track, lined up consecutively. It would be vastly more convenient if the files all went to separate tracks. Please consider this, or in case there already is a way to do this someone please mention it! Thanks.
Hold down Cmd (Mac) / Ctrl (Win) as you drag and it will ask if you want them on separate tracks.


gigazaga wrote:
Kang wrote:FR: Easier way to populate an edit with multiple stem files.

Perhaps I am just missing something, but when you select multiple audio files from the browser to add to your edit, they all go to one track, lined up consecutively. It would be vastly more convenient if the files all went to separate tracks. Please consider this, or in case there already is a way to do this someone please mention it! Thanks.
Hold down Cmd (Mac) / Ctrl (Win) as you drag and it will ask if you want them on separate tracks.
:dog: I even tried that before posting this, not sure what I did wrong then. Thanks.


In v6.1.4, NOTE ON is sent when I drag inside MIDI clip editor.
This is annoying me...Is this bug? Or Is there an option to turn this off?


Default shortcut = W.
Or click the speaker symbol on the MIDI editor tool bar of a MIDI clip.

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