Is there a vst FX that can fusion two different musics into one new music

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elassi wrote:*pain*

If it's some sort of an ART project (not necessarily on purpose): Congrats!


xoxos wrote:
jancivil wrote:your expression is that of a child, with a poor disposition as to work.

in response to others:
i was so elated when i discovered online electronic musician communities. imagine my surprise when i discovered the field was populated with others with their own real or imagined interests to protect..

i used to think, society is so rotten, but music can be so free, i'll just waltz on in :lol:

even though society is a racket, music is fair :lol:
I know hazard have much more opportunities and possibles than conditionned knowledge that turns on it'self like fishes in a bowl...BUT IT's a waste of time talking to you, because you are not OPEN to the NEW, you only repeat the ancient of what others did before you, (all your music schools and tuitions are based on what ancient invented for music) decorating it according to your own taste and calling that creativity ...... This is my last answer to you here...I despize your schools, always on the paying mode and if you don't pay you can't have good tuitions....
Well, I tried school for two years. I was ambitious and I was interested in obtaining a skill set I wasn't likely to get otherwise. Not everybody wants this. No problem. I fully grok wanting to rebel. But this guy here is not a revolutionary, this is something else.

I understand getting upset at being dissed and going off, I do. But a whole disposition is revealed here. Telling a story about being so pure and so free - and indicating John Cage, indicating this sort of avant-garde position - seems like a good excuse for being this childlike and eschewing the work, isn't it. Hazard offers better odds than knowing stuff? That is not a reasonable statement. Saying "John Cage" doesn't change that. Cage was capable of making gorgeous music the usual way. He isn't known for it, he's known for philosophy really, but all of the people the boy mentioned did the work to become musicians. So this whole bit is just a tactic, useful for kidding oneself.

It's a form of delusion. Other people opined 'he's mentally ill'. :shrug: Not my bailiwick tho'. LSD every day? I did that one. Donno. I don't know how someone gets to feel this entitled. I know I sound like some old fogey, "in my day we walked 30 miles to school in the ice and snow uphill both ways". But extremes aside, I don't really respect such a total poseur.

School costs money. I'm enough socialist to think really poor people have to be cut a break and basically schooled for free. (This is politics, we have to determine how the people you rely on to teach are compensated and how they make a living, don't we.) Community college, I was lucky to enjoy a really good one. It wasn't free but we got it together. Every opportunity I was afforded meant a sacrifice of something else. Then there's the public library. Get out and meet people, many of us tend to share. The stance here is someone that thinks to transcend but ignorant of what's there to float above. From the get-go, basically he's said f**k_you_all. So I suppose his rhetoric is some helium? NG: Don't Work.

So, sure, why not act like I'm some mean elitist, that's easy. I'm all for someone
getting outside the box. From the very outset, eschewing all of what's already built for you, in order to be Absolutely Free? No, sorry, there isn't an argument in the world that makes this child's notion something better.


el-bo (formerly ebow) wrote:
OBYONETAOPY wrote:THIS COMPLETE TRACK is ultimate pure hazard
is it ?? audacity is a pretty robust, but linear, program, and based on many evolutions of similar types of audio editor. paulstretch also has pretty predictable results

though the results of your experimentation might not be known, the processes you are using are far from experimental, and not really evidence of such a strong philosophy. furthermore, these 'experiments' are wholly dependent on software that is written by people who likely would have put a lot of study (something you seem to abhor) into what has ended up being very usable software. there doesn't even seem to be anything unconventional about the way you recorded the guitar

not saying that the results are not interesting, but for experimental music the process seems pretty pedestrian :shrug:
Exactly this. And the 'pedestrian' aspect is about having such a limited vocabulary. The more you know, the freer you'll be to create. While some of the results may be charming for a moment, the whole of it is 'here's someone just f**king around'; instead of fluent speech, much of it sounds like a five year old speaking.


You can break things even better when you understand how they are made.

With knowledge of your art, you can avoid dead ends, boring cliches, and actually communicate what it is you are trying to express.

Much of art can be breaking with convention; so if you are going to rebel but you don't really know what the established concepts are, you are as likely to fall into already established norms than anything truly revolutionary. You won't know the difference.

and to put it yet another way

You cannot throw off the harness if you've never worn it.

and I cannot believe I participated in this thread.


murnau wrote: Do you know that music is about expression and feelings and personality you **********. I would like to ***************** and set your ****************** on ************* because you are ********** then ****************.

Now i feel better.
hahahahahaaaaaaaaaa, they are at it again, swimming like mad fishes in their tiny bowl, hahahahaaaaaaa

Why LIMIT MUSIC to petty human beings sensations, expressions, beliefs and personnalities, and say to ALL, LOOK AT ME, look at the brilliance of I, I have done the highest shools of Music and I tell you ALL : MUSIC is about expression, feelings and personality, MUSIC IS THAT and no other ?????????????? this OBYONETAOPY man is *********, ********, **********

don't you know that MUSIC is MUCH MUCH MORE than what u WILL ever think it is, that what humans can ever SAY, categorise it in their little soft boxes under the skull ?

MUSIC IS INFINITE like LOVE and LIFE and it does not belong to the Human's REALM ONLY like a trophy on the wall between the potraits of mum and dad....shining under the first rays of a morning sun

MUSIC is every thing that we want it to be, or not want it to be and MUSIC LIVES WITHOUT the ACTIONS, thoughts, beleifs, emotions, and doings OF Men, what's more, MUSIC don't even need MAN to be, BECAUSE MUSIC IS UNIVERSAL, but ignorant Men take a small cup of water from this INFINITE MUSIC OCEAN and call it MUSIC (telling every one : MUSIC is THAT), thus deceiting themselves n others on the TRUE VASTNESS of it, so VAST that MAN never can completly GRASP IT because MUSIC like LOVE is LIKE a rose, you can't take it and say the word mine, (or MUSIC IS THAT) for MUSIC only grows when it's on the vine -_- (hi, Neil !!!! yes ******** the monsantoîsators of music too)

MUSIC NEVER WILL BELONG TO ANYONE, and specially to Man with his short sighted vision on everything and there never will be only one way of making music, because EXTRATERRESTRIALS too makes music and it is nothing compares to what Men makes of it...

Please do the World a favor, get that under your ********** ******** and AWAKE out of your egotic little sea shell, to swim in what you fear most : THE OPEN, the FREE, the UNCIRCUMSCRIBABLE, the UNKNOWN, the INFINITE LOVE/LIFE/FREEDOM that you will never POSSESS......and that no schools can ever teach you :phones: :phones: :phones:


ontol wrote:You can break things even better when you understand how they are made.

With knowledge of your art, you can avoid dead ends, boring cliches, and actually communicate what it is you are trying to express.

Much of art can be breaking with convention; so if you are going to rebel but you don't really know what the established concepts are, you are as likely to fall into already established norms than anything truly revolutionary. You won't know the difference.

and to put it yet another way

You cannot throw off the harness if you've never worn it.

and I cannot believe I participated in this thread.
PROBLEM IS, there is no concepts in MUSIC, excepted those that Man creates for IT as to secure himself faced to the INFINITY of MUSIC, and I do not want to pass by Man's concepts, schools, to do Music, most of them are too limited in their way of thinking, and knowing..... I'd rather listen to the INVISIBLE SOURCE of MUSIC itself, Man's findings (althought some are very advanced) about music are only pebbles on my beach where there is no harness, NO CONCEPTS what so ever


Amazing to see how much somebody can love himself to such an extent.


Sampleconstruct wrote:Amazing to see how much somebody can love himself to such an extent.
People sometimes suffer on such things not because of what they are, rather of what they are not. The "unique" insights are completely imaginary the narcissm beneath it, though, is real.
Whoever wants music instead of noise, joy instead of pleasure, soul instead of gold, creative work instead of business, passion instead of foolery, finds no home in this trivial world of ours.


...and in opposition to the more traditional perception of art, where the artists constantly fails at his doing (Beckett: “try harder, fail better“) the dilettante is satisfied with his achievements at a very early stage - which makes things much easier for the dilettante but not necessarily for her/his environment.


OBYONETAOPY wrote:Why LIMIT MUSIC to petty human beings sensations, expressions, beliefs and personnalities, and say to ALL, LOOK AT ME, look at the brilliance of I, I have done the highest shools of Music and I tell you ALL : MUSIC is about expression, feelings and personality, MUSIC IS THAT and no other ?????????????? this OBYONETAOPY man is *********, ********, **********
and yet your position seems the most limited in this thread, albeit from the opposite extreme; kinda like the atheist who makes a fundamental religion of not being religious

your belief as to how music should be, and the philosophy surrounding it, informs everything you do. seeking out randomness is in itself a workflow that negates the whole idea of said randomness. rigid dogma 'expressed' as liberated art

as for music being about "expression, feelings and personality" ?? i don't think your music has any of those. again, while i find some of your results interesting, and listenable, they are cold, sterile, and very much a result of your process/workflow. you are not expressing anything, other than a reliance on chance, hoping that THIS TIME you will have thrown your clips and effects down on a linear timeline in a way that might yield good results

you are every bit the pompous, arrogant, arse, that you would seem to be accusing others (those of the highest schools"), of being, and lack the necessary humility for any of us to be engaged in what you are trying to acheive

i also lack music theory knowledge, and for most of my life i eschewed such learning, believing that all those rules would be limiting. now, at 43, my 'happy accidents' seem to be drying up, and i am left wishing i had the FREEDOM to be able to create 'from scratch' in a manner that good compositional knowledge would afford me. such knowledge is a tool, and it's great to know your tools well enough that they just become an extension of your creative process, and not any limiting factor.


Cue (beware) old person in storytelling mode
xoxos wrote:
i was so elated when i discovered online electronic musician communities. imagine my surprise when i discovered the field was populated with others with their own real or imagined interests to protect..
Online electronic musicians, what. I never knew the extreme narrowness of the term before KVR. In my, you know, live interactions with people I hadn't encountered philistinism in any way I can recall, certainly I don't recall discussing music with staunch conservatives or people drawing lines in the sand spoiling for a fight.

I actually declared my major after transferring to SFCM, Electronic Music. Seems like it was actually titled Electronic Music Lab. The instruments there were a couple of tape recorders, a Teac 4-track and and Otari stereo deck to master to; and a Buchla II. No keyboard. So the sort of person that was in the lab tended to be pretty much experimental. I found that particular monstrosity to be excessively time-consuming to get anything out of. I had no business there, like I have no business anywhere. But I got into 'tape music'. I botched the one fantastic thing I got out of there. I got *signal path* and cutting tape with a razor blade and greasepaint out of the deal.
Now, at KVR 98% of the time the term means EDM, IDM or something beat-oriented. I kind of hate seeing the term nowadays , it's like saying 'Acoustic Music' when you only ever want to talk about bluegrass, maybe prog bluegrass.

But I digress. That remark "with interests to protect" reinforces this 'elitist' word people toss about here. Another thing I just wouldn't encounter except for here. And in this thread there is this vibe of 'gatekeepers', the elite, the privileged people keeping the barbarians outside the gate. But the real conservatives I ever see are young people that don't know anything. You can't know a whole lot and BE very conservative really.

So, I never collided with anything of the sort in the world. The first composer I talked to 'in the academy' that seemed, I donno, significant was this kid I would eat lunch with on occasion. He's very well known now, Andrew something. The vibe was 'rising star' even then and it panned out for him. His music was pretty far out there. As it turns out, in educated circles, people write to the advance of the guard if you will. I didn't see people writing Symphony Number 3 in Bb minor or some shit, before the internet and "online communities".
Now, if you have even less business traveling in respectable circles than I did, sure, it may be that you're not going to crash the party. You can't fake it, is the thing. So it's like observing standards is some form of meanness and unfairness.

I took a minute at youtube to see what the OP was actually up to. the two things
you directed us to here, well it's white keys isn't it. Toddler pandiatonicism. It's a mess, but it's actually quite bland. Deciding you're so grand, and so wild and creative all on your lonesome - essentially in a vacuum - is not hip, it's not progressive, it's just way below standard.
So, OBY, in all of this argumentation all you've done is beat up a strawman, you create exactly the person you have positioned yourself against; you're talking to yourself, you aren't interested in anyone's actual idea to even try to read it. The arrogance of ignorant people, it pisses some of us off.

Those of us that have the skill set for going Out There have access to places in music you will never have, not because someone else is guarding the gate to keep you out, but because you are retarding yourself, you are married to all of this lingo and all of this self-serving nonsense because you're scared to work. You ridiculed the idea of a "mechanic" in the grease. Yeah, then your soft impeccable hands are a sure sign of staying far away from work, isn't it.

No, the people that fly in music built for themselves the vehicle fit to take off and fly (and land, to complete the metaphor). The word pedestrian above is, IME somewhat charitable.
Last edited by jancivil on Sun Oct 11, 2015 8:10 am, edited 2 times in total.


Sampleconstruct wrote:...and in opposition to the more traditional perception of art, where the artists constantly fails at his doing (Beckett: “try harder, fail better“) the dilettante is satisfied with his achievements at a very early stage - which makes things much easier for the dilettante but not necessarily for her/his environment.
Commit to nothing, try everything is wonderful but the problems start when a dilettante decide he's an artist. Unsurprisingly the things don't work very well then but the dilettante solution is not to work harder just preferably telling the world how unaware they are. This thread is a good example for this behaviour pattern.

PS. Now some of the dilettante usually argue that the world wasn't ready to realize the true genius at times (like it hapen with Van Gogh and other great artists) completely negleting that this has nothing to do with his perception what's going on. The real artist often suffer on selfdoubts something which a dilettante is so far away from then anything. This behavior as well can easily been found in this thread.
Last edited by murnau on Sun Oct 11, 2015 1:26 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Whoever wants music instead of noise, joy instead of pleasure, soul instead of gold, creative work instead of business, passion instead of foolery, finds no home in this trivial world of ours.


deastman wrote:By the way, I liked Spareway to Heaven. Random experimentation can yield pleasing results. I don't think anyone here disagrees with that. What everyone has been telling you is that the specific thing you asked for in your original post simply does not exist.
so why did I find almost them in LAUKI : ... are/Lauki/

and in TREE : ... ware/Tree/

if they don't exist ? I am just a dreamer, I dream that I have found them specialy to ennoy your beleif on them non existing ????
But those programs aren't even remotely similar to what you asked for in your original post! If all you want is any old random generative software, this one should be right up your alley:

Each time I come back to this thread, I get this OMD lyric stuck in my head:
"The first mistake is when you take what you thought you'd change for granted."
Incomplete list of my gear: 1/8" audio input jack.


Sampleconstruct wrote:Amazing to see how much somebody can love himself to such an extent.
With all this John Cage talk, I'm really surprised he hasn't cited Karlheinz Stockhausen as one of his heroes yet. :wink:
Incomplete list of my gear: 1/8" audio input jack.


Oh, and then of course there is this: ... ger_effect
Incomplete list of my gear: 1/8" audio input jack.


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