Prefab Sprout.

Anything about MUSIC but doesn't fit into the forums above.


Naw, I have the official "Protest Songs" CD on Sony/CBS!*

*although I'm not sure if it's strictly a UK or European (ie. French/German) release.

Great album! The liner note states that it chronologically belongs between "Steve McQueen" and "Langley Park".

AK toppa
AK's toon-age:


Well, here I am at work many months later playing "Swoon". It's a Sunday and I should be depressed - ok, so I am depressed - but what a great record this is. I think it might be my fave Sprouts album, although Steve McQueen is up next so...

No idea why I suddenly thought of this thread, but there you go. Felt the need to share the love, man, and all that bollocks :D


double post CRAPPY WORK SERVER sorry


yeah I was a big prefab fan when I was a student. I didn't know Paddy was nearly blind now. I met him once after a gig and I surprised him by asking him the meaning of "rollmo" which is a word that crops up in their songs regularly and was their name of their studio I believe.....
THIS IS MY MUSIC: :phones:


Jbravo wrote:yeah I was a big prefab fan when I was a student. I didn't know Paddy was nearly blind now. I met him once after a gig and I surprised him by asking him the meaning of "rollmo" which is a word that crops up in their songs regularly and was their name of their studio I believe.....
I didn't know he was nearly blind. What happened?


detached retinas according to a previous post in this thread

that's one reason why I won't do a bungie jump. Also because I'm a complete chicken with an oversensitive disposition....
THIS IS MY MUSIC: :phones:


How come no one has mentioned "Two Wheels Good"??? Great album (and great title, too), or does that suck now????
And all life's fears
Can invade my ears
I can handle it


I think Two Wheels Good was the american name of the album Steve McQueen.

I had the record S McQ, bought here in New Zealand, which got buckled, and later bought the CD on a trip to the USA, where it was called TWG.

I have most of their stuff before Andromeda heights, which was lovely but a bit girly for me. ('cause I'm so amazingly masculine :roll: )

I liked the (slightly) rougher sound of Steve McQueen better, - what a genius song writer he was (is), stunning lyrics and unconventional melodies over equally odd chord changes. All with heaps of emotional impact.

Green Isaac II from swoon has got to be one of the oddest yet loveliest songs ever written.

He makes me want to give up music and study plumbing or something

Yet a lot of people thought they were crap.


He is one of the most underated, most original song writers to end the last Century. The Music Production is in the very first class. He has a strong voice. I have never seen Prefab live and i believe they rate as something special because there is a bit of improvisation.

He has had UK number ones and got Cowboy dreams covered with a Jimmy Nail number one.

I really don't have a category of Music for Prefab which proves music is STILL NOT DEAD. Long Live Prefab. Long Live the song writer who has talent and not the blatent commercial formula-ism that has destroyed the music bizz. If Paddy is on this site ever then i hope he has the courage to do smething completely off the cuff with no pre-conceptions. Just write from the heart.


Swoon & Steve McQueen I love to bits. Not so convinced by the later stuff (but your mileage may vary...).

Protest Songs was originally intended as a limited release album only sold at live gigs. Unfortunately, the studios squashed that idea. Then From Langley Park to Memphis came out, and the whole Hot Dog Jumping Frog thing made them famous. Then the studios released Protest Songs. Some great stuff, some weird stuff (pity they didn't play Diana at her funeral...) and the occasional just plain misguided moment.


I LOVE THEM - TOTALLY :D :D I'm listening to them right now, in fact. :D I know I started the thread, but Paddy McAloon has written some of the most timeless music ever. He's on the same level as Brian Wilson, Andy Partridge and Angelo Badalamenti IMO [god, I keep saying that :D ].


That keeps you up long/ past your bedroom/ tearing hair.

Sorry, had nothing else to add but, boy, he could write a tune.


Now everybody wears the look
of the child who wished to marry you
who, knocking proudly on your door,
was greeted by your pretty wife.



Nice to see some other PF admirers here. I was listening to "Moving The River" and "Venus Of The Soup Kitchen" the other day and they sound as good as ever.

I recommend Paddy McAloon's recent solo album: "Trawling The Megahertz" - it's hardly been of my CD player lately.

Review here: ... rawl.shtml



Yes, I love Paddy's MEGAHERTZ album too. Especially track 1: 'In the subterranean world of anaesthetics, sad, white canoes are forever sailing downstream in the early hours of the morning/Tell the stars I'm coming, make them leave a space for me, whether bones or dust or ashes, once among them I'll be free' - I love that part, it's heartbreaking. The whole track is unbelievably sad, sometimes I want to listen to it but I can't put it in the CD player, I know it'll leave me devastated. :shock:

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