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Fyler RapidComposer


I already have 2.05 but under Win XP SP3. Any ideas?
Win XP SP3, Pentium 4, 3 GHz, 1 GB RAM
SoundMax Integrated Digital Audio
Coolsoft Virtual MIDI Synth 1.7

Abandon corporatism (economic fascism)


You need to press Enter or Return so that editing takes effect.

This UI issue will be taken care in the next update. Thank you for reporting it.

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off - June 3-18


RC 2.05 LE plugged into SONAR X2 Producer
Windows 7, AMD Phenom x 4, 8 GB memory

Using RC as the source for a SONAR MIDI track

RC works fine when I open the SONAR project and begin working with RC. When I move back to SONAR and begin performing operations there, RC and host crash.

Thank you


OK I'll retract my last post. I removed one of the other plugins from the SONAR project (Catanya from 7Aliens) and now I'm not getting any crashes. :)


Hi Attila,

thank you for your last help. It works well.

Next issue: The Tap Tempo-button doesn't seem to work (Win XP XP3, RC 2.05 LE). I can set the tempo with the up/down arrows and it stays the same without pressing Enter afterwards ;-)

Win XP SP3, Pentium 4, 3 GHz, 1 GB RAM
SoundMax Integrated Digital Audio
Coolsoft Virtual MIDI Synth 1.7

Abandon corporatism (economic fascism)


After importing soundfonts, installimg the ASIO4ALL driver and the Coolsoft VirtualMIUDISynth in my RC 2.05 LE on Win XP SP3, I pushed the "Test Audio" button on the Audio tab. But nothing is to hear. Of course the speakers are switches on.

Any idea?

Win XP SP3, Pentium 4, 3 GHz, 1 GB RAM
SoundMax Integrated Digital Audio
Coolsoft Virtual MIDI Synth 1.7

Abandon corporatism (economic fascism)


Are you sure there was not another ASIO host running? Sometimes I seem to forget that a program is running which uses ASIO, and there is no sound in these cases.

I installed VirtualMIDISynth and it worked well together with ASIO though it had a big latency. I am in the process of testing ASIO handling and trying to identify possible problems.

If you still could not make it work, I'll send you a special version that writes a log file during setting up audio.

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off - June 3-18


VLC player was running which played mp3s on my computer. As far as I know VLC doesn't use/need ASIO. Your special version would be much appreciated ;-)

Win XP SP3, Pentium 4, 3 GHz, 1 GB RAM
SoundMax Integrated Digital Audio
Coolsoft Virtual MIDI Synth 1.7

Abandon corporatism (economic fascism)


In most cases the ASIO driver requires exclusive access to the audio hardware. I found no way to detect that the ASIO driver is already used by another application because it always behaves well, and pretends that everything is fine, except there is no sound.

Anyway I spent a few hours with improving ASIO handling, so now RapidComposer handles external ASIO reset much better, and there are other small improvements too.

I sent you the download link in e-mail.

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off - June 3-18



well rc started both in the unzipped folder on the desktop as well as the .exe copied to the programs/RapidComposer folder. But there still was no sound to hear. A log-file you (and me) are looking for I could not find because I have no folder on my computer named like you mentioned in your pm. Hidden and system folders were turned on to be visible when I used the "Find" function to locate the log. I sent snapshots of the error message I got when QUITTING RC to your email.

Best wishes

Win XP SP3, Pentium 4, 3 GHz, 1 GB RAM
SoundMax Integrated Digital Audio
Coolsoft Virtual MIDI Synth 1.7

Abandon corporatism (economic fascism)


Playing with full version demo in FL Studio 11, I had crash(es) and loud spikes.

Does this program run any better in Reaper?

I'm using Windows XP.


Hi James,

I sent you replies but probably comcast detected them as spam? The e-mails did not bounce back either.

>Also, I need to know if I buy LE version now, what is the cost to upgrade
>to Full version later?

The cost is always the difference between the LE version price and the full
version price.
We are planning a summer sale in June. v2.1 should also be ready by June with nice new features.
If you join the low-traffic announcement list, you will get notified about

It should work flawlessly in Reaper as it was primarily tested with Reaper. I know it was used with FL Studio on Win7 too. I hope an FL Studio owner can comment this.

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off - June 3-18


musicdevelopments wrote:Hi James,

I sent you replies but probably comcast detected them as spam? The e-mails did not bounce back either.

>Also, I need to know if I buy LE version now, what is the cost to upgrade
>to Full version later?

The cost is always the difference between the LE version price and the full
version price.
We are planning a summer sale in June. v2.1 should also be ready by June with nice new features.
If you join the low-traffic announcement list, you will get notified about

It should work flawlessly in Reaper as it was primarily tested with Reaper. I know it was used with FL Studio on Win7 too. I hope an FL Studio owner can comment this.

Thanks very much Attila. Comcast lets the spam come in and blocks the good stuff.

I will probably wait until the sale, although I would like to use it now.
How do I sign up for the low-traffic announcement list?
Is that different from the high-traffic list?

Also, is RapidComposer your only product? I notice your description says "Solutions".


I put you on the announcement list. I will also post on this forum about the new release and sale.
I suppose my both e-mails will bounce back in 2-3 days, I'll ask my IP to do something about that.

Yes, RapidComposer is our only product. We have plans for another software in the long run, based on the technology in RapidComposer, but we still have a lot to do, and lots of ideas to implement. 3 years passed since v1.0, and due to the continuous development and useful user feedback RapidComposer is getting better and more usable with each update.

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off - June 3-18


Thanks a lot. Keep up the great work.

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