Logic Pro team decimated? [Answer: NO. See last post for link to new thread.]

Audio Plugin Hosts and other audio software applications discussion


ZenPunkHippy wrote: Apple ditching Logic would not only say "screw you" to 1000s if not millions of users, it would also affect 100s of developers who rely on OS X + Logic + Audio Units to make a living (not to mention and sample and loop library developers).

Apple may be evil at times, but I doubt they are evil enough to do that ... just sayin'.


Need i say more..

Anyone serious about developing audio software has a Windows version. Maintaining a product on OSX and for AU is a huge burden for devs. Logic disappearing might be a very good thing for industry in the long run. Think about it for a moment.

MophoEd - the BEST DSI Mopho Editor VSTi


braj wrote:I also think Apple likely wouldn't abandon the market share they have, Logic sells well enough I'm sure, but it also sells macs, it is a 'flagship' product, even if someone doesn't want Logic they 'know' Apple is a 'Pro' platform because it has these apps. It would be bad PR to abandon Logic and it would look like Apple has failed somehow. I can see them ignoring it for a while, but not abandoning it. I would guess some cool iPad integration would be coming soon, and any staffing changes are just restructuring for the next generation. 10% staff is not that much really, especially if there is some efficiency improvements in new development processes.
When was the last time Apple launched a "Pro" model in the Mac line? Lately, what you see are more and more models in the low end - that may have some meaning, right?

And if Logic Pro and the Pro Audio were so successful and important to Apple, they would have not:
1. Drop the copy protection;
2. Lower the price to an extent where it almost have no meaning;
3. Dismantle the suite and discontinue some critical parts (like Waveburner);
4. Leave the AU format basically abandoned;
5. Leave the Audio MIDI Setup again basically abandoned from Mac OS X 10.4 up

That said, I sincerely hope I am wrong.
Fernando (FMR)


mkdr wrote:G5->Intel

Need i say more..
This may have required a significant amount of development time to support the change, but at least the option was there. I'm sure that developers who stuck around for the change have done quite well - Macs are selling better than ever.
Maintaining a product on OSX and for AU is a huge burden for devs.
Yes, but Logic users also form a significant percentage of revenue ...
Logic disappearing might be a very good thing for industry in the long run. Think about it for a moment.
Multiple standards have good and bad points ... competition is good, otherwise companies become complacent. Where would we be with only a VST standard? Why would Steinberg improve it for any reason but there own benefit?

... space is the place ...


ZenPunkHippy wrote: Yes, but Logic users also form a significant percentage of revenue ...

I doubt seriously that Logic even shows up as a 5 decimal place % impact on their software products sheet. It wouldn't surprise in the least to find out that the majority of the General Manager level decision makers don't even know it exists.

Even if Logic sold in the thousands, it isn't even remotely an impact product. Sometimes I don't think people here realize just how niche this market is.

And, the idea that Logic somehow validates Mac as a Pro platform :roll:
If you have to ask, you can't afford the answer


maybe microsoft will buy it and it will become windows only.


memyselfandus wrote:maybe microsoft will buy it and it will become windows only.
I know about 100 people who would be on that shit inside of a week.
resistors are futile you will be simulated


People need to stop being idiots.

Logic was just updated last month, on October 25th, 2012.
You are currently reading my signature.


djanthonyw wrote:People need to stop being idiots.
Hey, it took me 20 years of hard work to make it to idiot status.
If you have to ask, you can't afford the answer


ZenPunkHippy wrote:
Robmobius wrote:There's definitely something going on there alright...Probably a shake up. But I doubt they will ever Abandon it.

It's just because there's a general lack of information about the whole Logic X thing. I'm sure they will get around to it eventually.
Apple ditching Logic would not only say "screw you" to 1000s if not millions of users, it would also affect 100s of developers who rely on OS X + Logic + Audio Units to make a living (not to mention and sample and loop library developers).

Apple may be evil at times, but I doubt they are evil enough to do that ... just sayin'.


Not to mention much of Apogee's hardware line is now pretty well integrated into Apple // Logic and highly Mac focused.

I've heard the rumors too, and from people that actually work @ Apple that Apple has lost interest in further developing Logic as a professional app. But I'm with Andy here, if Apple dropped or stopped developing Logic, there'd be a fairly big backlash from AU developers.


SJ_Digriz wrote:
djanthonyw wrote:People need to stop being idiots.
Hey, it took me 20 years of hard work to make it to idiot status.
MuLab of course :D


There's only one rational way to view anything Apple does, imo, mmv, through the filter that says...

"We're one of (if not 'the') most profitable technology companies in the world, with billions of dollars in cold cash reserves, and an insanely high stock price, so trying to predict what we'll do or not or when with one software product like Logic is sheer madness."

Some others kinda have to have regular major updates periodically coming out to attract new customers or keep current customers. Apple make a ka-zillion dollars on iStuff so they'll update Logic again only when they kinda feel like it. :)

Basically, they probably don't care all that much because Logic 9 works, and is a good value, and they know we will all still be here if and when they do make Logic X or whatever.

I'm pretty sure development of Logic in some manner is ongoing. I'm also pretty sure that there is no great urgency to rush a new major version to market. :hihi:

If there is one thing Apple isn't lacking, it's customers. :lol:
Last edited by LawrenceF on Wed Nov 28, 2012 7:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Come on, there must be a way to turn this into a Reaper thread ... The internet must be broken.
If you have to ask, you can't afford the answer


What I do know, and what is not a rumor, is that plenty of Logic users that I know personally are looking the updates to Cubase and Live and getting a little envious of the new features and a little impatient w/ Apple's lack of signaling where it sees Logic.


whyterabbyt wrote:
Jace-BeOS wrote:There already was a considerable percentage of posts at the debunking page about what decimate means... :-D
Decimate? Means "Short bloke from Newcastle called Anthony"
:D how effing obscure of you....it only barely works.....i got it though....one of us needs to get out more :hihi:


Phase47 wrote:What I do know, and what is not a rumor, is that plenty of Logic users that I know personally are looking the updates to Cubase and Live and getting a little envious of the new features and a little impatient w/ Apple's lack of signaling where it sees Logic.
And most of them will likely spend money at Apple anyway, on something else they sell. :) And many will probably buy Logic again when it flashes the new stuff next year or the year after. :hihi:

Apple knows that... which is why they're so successful overall.

Customers rarely "leave" anything they truly like, they just take short vacations, and hospital delivery rooms are churning out new potential customers at a rate of about a million a day. :hihi:

It's a numbers game, and they're clearly winning.

Again, Apple's real fight isn't with Steinberg or Yamaha over the popularity of a software DAW, it's with Google and Microsoft, at a much higher level. Which is probably why they thought ...

"Who cares, just make it $199 and sell a lot more." :hihi:


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