Trolling customers

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Bobbotov wrote:Usually, I know I am going to have trouble when I get an e-mail from a customer who types in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS!!!!! I had one customer I swear was doing bath salts - completely rabid. They're out there for sure.
True, I should have been warned, as his name in the paypal form was also written all in CAPITALS, although it was a very biblical name combining 2 names of the disciples.


These people get angry at completely irrelevant sh!t while they let the daylight robbery of politics and the general trend of the whole world going to pot, the mysogyny and general -isms, animal abuse, etc... go by unchallenged. It always makes me think "Of all the things to get annoyed by...". If you want to be angry, there's a gourmet selection of courses for your delection out there. < My new album at Bandcamp! Now pay what you like!


:( :(

I wonder sometime if this fellow even knows how many companies actually does what you do. I do know of a couple that can take up to 48 hours to deal with d/l's and such..especially on weekends...I just wait.

I moderate on a train related forum...some of the issues there now tend to be on what are called 'pre-orders' the particular locomotive one is looking for is made if a certain threshold of demand is reached..hence the pre-order scenario....the crying that can go on there...oy. He'd have a 100% pure whole grain blow out with pre-orders...

Keep doing what you are doing...I like what I am hearing from you... :) :)
If a billion people believe a stupid thing it is still a stupid thing


trimph1 wrote:
Keep doing what you are doing...I like what I am hearing from you... :) :)
Thank's :hug:


Why don't you use a payment system like ?

It will sure get you rid of situations like these.


ridiculous. anybody that orders software knows that there is usually a 24 hour time frame allowed :roll:


AstralExistence wrote:ridiculous. anybody that orders software knows that there is usually a 24 hour time frame allowed :roll:
Very bold assumption... Latest software I purchased, Panic Transmit, sent e-mail with serial in about a couple of minutes after payment confirmation.


Also, PayPal offers what they call IPN, which sends a XML to your server of choice after payment confirmation so you can provide links and handle customer data easily.


george wrote:Why don't you use a payment system like ?

It will sure get you rid of situations like these.
I already looked into E-Junkie, the thing is that with the +50 Gigabyte of sample data for my products they can't host me (they have a maximum of around 8 Giga), so I would have to hire a new server as with my current one I could not provide permanent download links for E-Junkie to distribute them (only links which time out) - and it would cost me a fee of several hundreds per month (without having sold anything, just the basic fee). If I only had Banks to sell without samples I would have changed long ago.

So it's mainly economics right now, also I don't really mind spending up to an hour a day processing orders. But I'll find a solution sooner or later to automate the process.


Tinypay allows up to 512 MB per digital item. I don't know if that's enough for you.

Edit: After looking your site maybe not :)

I'd recommend Share-it too. They get you rid of VAT headaches but their Control Panel needs some expertise.
Last edited by discoDSP on Wed Jan 09, 2013 5:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.


george wrote:Tinypay allows up to 512 MB per digital item. I don't know if that's enough for you.
Well, some Banks are up to 4 Gigabyte in size, compressed as multipart RAR-archives for better download handling. So if one RAR-file is defined as one digital item, then this could be a solution, if one product must not exceed 512 MB it would be a no-go. I already had a look at their website, will investigate in the next weeks, what a solution might be.


From Share-it FAQ
Are there file size limits?

No, we accept any file type and any file size you provide to us. You can upload the files in the Control Panel, send them via FTP to our server (please see the Share-it Control Panel for more information), or you can e-mail the file to the Publisher Relations Management team.
However, out of consideration for your customers, you should keep files reasonably small and use a compressed file format such as .zip or .rar, if they are delivered via e-mail.


george wrote:Tinypay allows up to 512 MB per digital item. I don't know if that's enough for you.

Edit: After looking your site maybe not :)

I'd recommend Share-it too. They get you rid of VAT headaches but their Control Panel needs some expertise.
I already use share*it for many products in combination with paypal buttons, but I don't use the automated delivery functions (same problem with size/links). Also many customers avoid share*it because they don't accept Email accounts from free providers like gmail.


Sampleconstruct wrote:many customers avoid share*it because they don't accept Email accounts from free providers like gmail.
You can change that if you wish, just contact them. We did ages ago.


george wrote:
Sampleconstruct wrote:many customers avoid share*it because they don't accept Email accounts from free providers like gmail.
You can change that if you wish, just contact them. We did ages ago.
Ahh, thank's for the tip!

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