Good Soundtoys Echoboy alternative?

VST, AU, AAX, CLAP, etc. Plugin Virtual Effects Discussion


Sadly, I haven't found alternative to the Echoboy either. I did bought Fabfilter Timeless, it a fun plugin but more for experimental things.

I'm wondering if Soundtoys has a yearly sale ? I'm ready to wait... 179 $ for a delay is a lot.

Also, I am wondering if Tape Echo from IK could do the job....


Not sure if its yearly, but Soundtoys do have sales. The last one was on black Friday I think. Managed to get Echoboy on a 40% off sale.


Thought I bring this up again to see what happened in nearly 4 years.. Bring it on! :hyper:


Tritik TkDelay
This entire forum is wading through predictions, opinions, barely formed thoughts, drama, and whining. If you don't enjoy that, why are you here? :D ShawnG


Zexila wrote:Tritik TkDelay
nah, TkDelay doesn't have any swing/push/pull groove or feel features.
there's nothing like EchoBoy.

I'm totally SPEWING that i was broke when it went on sale for $20-30 whatever it was. LIVID.
I must have about 50 purchased delay plugins, but there's still nothing like EchoBoy.
That said, I ain't paying more than $50 for a plugin anymore.


How about Replika XT? If you picked up Replika as a freebie a couple of years back, the upgrade to Replika XT can sometimes be had in sales for very little money. I think I paid £22 for it.


yeah that's probably the closest really.


A new challenger appears: u-he Colour Copy. :D



Replika, Excalibur and Colour copy are the only ones I will use while also having Echoboy. I don't think there is anything like echoboy.


My suggestion is Modnetic.


pottering wrote:My suggestion is Modnetic.

Really like this one too, tho not sure it covers same ground as Echoboy.
A well-behaved signature.


Tappistry wrote:A new challenger appears: u-he Colour Copy. :D

Nothing against colour copy (in fact, just purchased it), but it’s nothing like echoboy. Closest I’ve seen is still fxp Bloom.



Spaceship delay, whilst having fewer features, can nevertheless produce some very decent creamy distorted delays that makes it worth investigating, if you don't have it already.


None of those mentioned.

Echoboy has many different delay styles and in addition to the many features for manipulating the delay, there are different saturation types modeled after many sought after classic delay units. Having echoboy is like owning 10 different delay plugins.

CoCo does BBD, with multiple "color" types and mild saturation. It is a very specific delay type with added options for expanding capabilities and coloring of sound. Its fairly limited.

The closest, but definitely not replacements, based on features would be McDSP EC-300 Echo Collection or Blue Cat Late Replies + McDSP Futzbox... Because of Blue Cat Late Replies ability to host plugin effects, they make a good case for a must-own without comparisons to other tools, because much of comparing delay plugins comes down to obviously sound, but more importantly what goes into achieving that sound... Filtering, Saturation, Timing manipulation, panning manipulation and more.

I own probably too many of these delay plugins mentioned and there's a use for all of them, but I have not seen a single replacement for Echoboy. Even Soundtoys has multiple delays in addition to Echoboy (Crystalizer, Primaltap, and Phasemistress [remember Echoboy has some amazing chorus built in too]) so there's room for all and anyone to have their favorites for different uses, but again even with the Necro'd thread... there's still no 1 replacement for Echoboy.


Outer Space gets good reviews.
Spaceship Delay.
IKM Tape Echo
Last edited by The Noodlist on Mon Aug 06, 2018 10:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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