Bug reports

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Fyler RapidComposer


pumafred wrote:
themixtape wrote:If you could be as specific as possible as to the events that led to the crash, please let us know... the more specific, the better.

Windows 8 compatibility is not guaranteed... but XP, 7, etc... all good.

I'll pass along the info to Attila, but again.. the more step by step you can provide, the better.

Also, to start RC without freezing, hold CTRL and double-click the icon... it starts without recovering the crashed project (completely fresh start). Sometimes this helps a lot after a crash.
Ok, now: I started to follow your video on the Idea Tool. I was setting up the Tracks (you suggested 3). For Track 1, since I have the demo, instead of the Melody Generator, I chose the Generic Generator for a piano.
Since I saw you had as "Phrases Set" Melody Generator with 8 beats, and I had GG with 4 beats, I right-clicked on GG, to change this to 8 beats. Typed 8, pressed Enter...

I will keep on reporting, hoping to learn something in the meantime!
Last for today: if instead of changing values by typing and hitting enter I change them with my mouse wheel, all works fine. I've been playing around quite a while without crashes now. Will keep on watching.
What I am most curious about, however, is the Melody Generator, which, as you mentioned, is not in this memo.


Having some sluggish/freezing behavior when playing with the parameters of the phrase generator within the tracks > phrase set area of the idea tool. Osx Mavericks.


Thank you, donato, I'll check this.
Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off - June 3-18


From the main screen, highlighting two phrases and selecting 'Regenerate All Selected Generators' results in a crash under Osx Mavericks.


Yes, indeed for some reason the program becomes sluggish when setting the parameters in the idea tool. I am fixing this right now.
I'll install 10.9 soon and check the crash. I tried the same on 10.8 and it did not crash.

pumafred: I tried hard to reproduce the crash on both Windows8.0 and 8.1, x86 and x64 demo version, but I couldn't. It did not crash when I typed the length and pressed enter. However I am sure there is something wrong if it crashed for you, so I'll continue to test it. I think I found an issue with setting the length there.

Thanks for all the bug reports!
A bug fix update is expected at the end of next week.
Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off - June 3-18


donato wrote:From the main screen, highlighting two phrases and selecting 'Regenerate All Selected Generators' results in a crash under Osx Mavericks.
Just to be on the safe side, I have to affirm that same "crash reaction" occured two or three times when I tried to check this "wonderful feature" (a proposal to "regenerate all...") under Windows 7 too. Hope this helps,
P.S. To clarify the problem - such crashes occur after I generated some phrases with Idea tool.


Thank you, Tolstoevsky, I managed to fix this bug based on your hints.
It crashed when there were ghost phrases in the tracks.
I'll upload a bug-fix update in a few days. I fixed almost all issues that have been reported.

Thank you!
Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off - June 3-18


Hello Attila:

I have just a few minor issues to report (I apologize in advance for writing these issues up solely based on my best recollection, as right now I am writing these up on a different PC other than the one where I have RC installed).

I am running RC full edition on a Windows 8 64-bit PC.

[1] Issue installing RC full over previous RC LE demo

I uninstalled an older Demo version of RC LE 64-bit that I had installed a couple of months ago. The database files from the previous installation of the older RC LE Demo were still in my C:/Users/MyUserName/AppData/Roaming/RapidComposer folder (I had created some custom scales and phrases back in the RC LE Demo); I think the last unsaved composition in progress was retained as well.

I installed RC v2.5 full edition and noticed when I started it up that I had no factory content in the Phrase Browser. I looked in the C:/Users/MyUserName/AppData/Roaming/RapidComposer folder and saw that alongside the new database files were the older database files which had been renamed with a .SAV extension.

I did not know what else to do to restore the missing data, so as a work around, I deleted the entire C:/Users/MyUserName/AppData/Roaming/RapidComposer folder and re-installed the RC v2.5 full. All of the factory content was then present in the Phrase Browser; of course, in so doing, I sacrificed the custom content that I had created back in the RC LE Demo.

So how does one export user created content (e.g. phrases and scales and such) -- perhaps for sharing with other users? Chris Caulder was somehow able to export his custom phrases for our benefit, correct?

[2] Display issue with custom content in Phrase Browser (same-named groups do not merge properly in browser tree); this issue does NOT resolve itself on application restart

When I save some custom phrases with a common-named group level hierarchy, I notice that the same-named group hierarchy entries do not merge properly and appear seperately in the Phrase Browser. For example, if I create one custom phrase and save it as "MyGroup/MySubGroup1/SomePatch01" and then create another and save it as "MyGroup/MySubGroup2/SomeOtherPatch01" I will then see in the Phrase Browser something like the following [NOTE: first node of custom group entries shown expanded]:

Code: Select all

I have also seen the following visual anomaly as well -- expanding the top-most MyGroup entry expands the bottom MyGroup entry (or something along these lines):

Code: Select all

NOTE: This same issue may also manifest itself in the Scale Browser with custom scales saved with a similar group hierarchy style, but I have not had a chance to confirm this.



Thank you Tony!
If you can send me your old Phrases.rcPHRS.bak file if you still have it, I'll send your custom phrases back to you.
So how does one export user created content (e.g. phrases and scales and such) -- perhaps for sharing with other users?
You should set up a directory for your custom phrases under the Settings / Directories tab. From that moment your custom phrases will be saved there, each phrase in its own file. It is easy to share them this way.
I have plans to include phrase sharing and using other people's shared phrases in the phrase browser.

Unfortunately there are visual issues with displaying the groups in the browser. I try to fix this until tomorrow when a bug fix update will be released.

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off - June 3-18


musicdevelopments wrote:Thank you Tony!
If you can send me your old Phrases.rcPHRS.bak file if you still have it, I'll send your custom phrases back to you.
Will do. Thank you.
musicdevelopments wrote:You should set up a directory for your custom phrases under the Settings / Directories tab. From that moment your custom phrases will be saved there, each phrase in its own file. It is easy to share them this way.
Ah. I did set up the custom phrases directory when I installed the bonus content from Chris Caulder. I did not realize that the phrases I was creating were going in there.
musicdevelopments wrote:I have plans to include phrase sharing and using other people's shared phrases in the phrase browser.
That sounds great. Will you also consider doing that for sharing user-added scales and chord progressions as well?
musicdevelopments wrote:Unfortunately there are visual issues with displaying the groups in the browser. I try to fix this until tomorrow when a bug fix update will be released.

Thank you. That would be a nice bug fix to have in the next software update.


ok here is the right place :)
again :

Hi just joined to "The Club" today! ...great work !
Thank you so much for this wonderful tool!

now my first bug report
i am trying to import my chord progression packs but so far no success ...
after importing midi and correcting the chords i am selecting the whole chord timeline and right click to save selected chords as progression
(RC doesn't ask for name or path, saves directly inside "New/with chord names" )
first i tried to re save in edit mode with rename and tried to create my own category system it was done but RC crashed.
After restart RC, progression wasn't there.
i did two more try without crash but even after this successfully close and re open RC , progression still wasn't there.

Config : w7 x64 , RC x64 Standalone.

sorry if this is already reported.
i am a little bit hype right now Smile

probably this was already suggested somewhere in the forum...
but i couldn't resist,
would be great if we can define directory path for user progression database path as like Custom Phrases

also i have to say thank you Chris for tons of useful custom phrases

Best Regards


Hi Yıldırım!

Welcome to this forum!
I am afraid you found a nasty bug! I can't believe this remained in the program.
An update will be uploaded later today with the fix.

Thank you,
Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off - June 3-18


that was fast
thanks :)


I hate bugs... :(
The update is uploaded with the fix. You can use the download links sent in e-mail, or the 'Check For Updates' button under the Support tab to download the update.
Sorry for the inconveniences!

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off - June 3-18


downloaded and installed rapidly thanks again.

i found my second one i guess :D not a biggie but seem like possible to make time selection out of the RC time line
here is the procedure:
RC is on the right screen (i have 2 screen-monitor) if i make selection from right to left , i can select to the left edge of my left monitor , how do i know that...
because according to the length of selection playback starts to work but no sound ,till the play cursor arrive to the song start position.
i hope i didn't over detailed this tiny issue...anyway
that's it for tonight
Best Regards

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