help with vst? almost all of it.

VST, AU, AAX, CLAP, etc. Plugin Virtual Instruments Discussion


ive been making some stuff, just with samples, but i want to play my own stuff sometimes. a bass line at the moment, so i've found 4front bass module. but of course i have no idea how to use it. what it is. anything about soundfonts, which i have been avoiding for fear of new and daunting information. but alas! the sunlight scars the lowroad.
i understand i need a vst/soundfont player? are there any free ones? when i get one. what do i do with it? ive read a bit on them but it all seems such jibbaJabba ive come to ask.
i have a virtual piano, yada yada. which sucks but i like being able to play it on my keyboard, i like the interface of it anyway, is this what soundfonts are like? i am afraid of midi triggers or such talk, but do want to play my own bass lines. just simple little things by ear for i am desolate of talent, and quick to alcohol.
but please
could someone, explain to me this, what i need to do? what i can do?
i thank very much in advance.



Get a host. then you need to learn where to put the vst(i) that you want to use, so the host will find it.
Then you need to know how to make it load it.
Then, you can learn how to play it.

what have you been using samples in???


is there anything simple i can get, much like the virtual piano. that has good sound?


ahh. a welcome discourse.
ok. i have been using cool edit pro. and merely chopping up samples. laying drums on a metronome and what not.
what is a host?
second where should i put it? it prompts me to put all soundfontz and what not in a "vst plugins" folder. it says it will find it automatically. but ive yet to see that happen.


First: A host is a software program, a sequencer software that is able to play notes you input, send it to an instrument, for example a vst-synth, mixes it with effects and outputs that to your audio-adapter.

Host are for example: Cubase, Orion Pro...

A host software loads plugins it supports, vst, dx, au etc.. Samples or soundfonts get loaded by plugins that support these formats like wav, sf2 etc. regards... tention TDA - TENTION DIGITAL AUDIO - VST Plugins


and then how do i play it? do i need a keyboard? or can i use my computer keys?


with FL you can use your computer keys


ive decided what i really want is something with an interface like, "virtual piano" with good sounds. a good acoustic one of those. do such things exist?


fruity loops? i suppose i shall have to steal it!


No, it's actually quite cheap, and you can get a nicely functional demo (to check it out) from It's only about $50 for the cheapest version.


benjaminwuamett wrote:fruity loops? i suppose i shall have to steal it!

if you want help don't say things like that. that's bad. stealing makes expensive software more expensive by the simple fact it hurts devs feelings.

anyway. what can you afford? you may want to learn with something that's free. try buzz. try modplug. and READ!!!!


ok. i have loaded "acoustic base sf2" into my "host"
"rgc audio sfz"
now i see no way in which i might play it.
though im sure there must be a way and one of you must know it. my only hope is that one of you will be chivalrous to explain it to me.
ahh. the inquisition/good old days.


i didnt mean to flaunt my vices dover. besides my means are such that i can only flaunt the ghosts of read about and highly acclaimed vices of others. i will try these things. and i am reading chekov. but his help is little when it comes to such matters.


benjamin, I think you need to do some reading. It might be difficult for anyone here to explain all of this to you.

Cool Edit Pro is not going to help you much with playing instruments (I think), what you need is probably a small and free sequencer host to learn a bit about how to use VSTi etc...

I think LUNA Free might be a good start. It will enable you to get the hand of what a sequencer does and how to use it while giving your the ability to also learning about a VSTi.

This software has a support forum at KvR under MUTOOLS. You might be able to get some application specific help there. I believe it also comes with a manual to help you out.

Happiness is the hidden behind the obvious.


hmmmm. rgc audio sfz isn't a host. not that i can tell. not a VST host anyway. give me two minutes to get you some links. i'll break it down on how to set up modplug and use it.

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