FR, DISPLAY of semtiones in Choir Boy

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Hi there, I know there is an option to snap directly to semitones, but choir boys works on pure percentage as far as visual is concerned. I am wondering if there can also be an option "display as pitch" for example.

It would be really nice also, say if we held the shift key down, to override snap and be able to tune in 1 cent increments.

Any way? or am i barking up shit creek?



talking to myself...........


yet another developer who used to have top notch support that needs to be badgered now to get a response.

just say "i'm thinking about it" or "no"

but try to understand that it's much easier to work with +1 semitone for example than +x.777% or whatever it is. So confusing, you need to move the slider up and down and count to realise what shift you have done


When "semitones" is activated the granularity of the slider is set to step in semitone increments. If you click on either extreme of the slider track (not the slider itself) the slider will increment in semitones.

I remind you that this is a public Forum for the primary purpose of exchanging ideas, experiences and providing feedback about Elevayta products. When you have purchased a license it is assumed that you have downloaded and tested the demo and you have purchased a license because you find that the demo meets your requirements. When a product is buggy and causes problems on your system then you will find this out with the demo, in this case it is acceptable to inform me and you would not normally buy a license - because you are dissatisfied with the demo.

When you have a feature request, then it is reasonable to place it on this forum. Perhaps others can add more comments. If one person makes a feature request and 10 others say, wow great! Then there is something for me to consider with some urgency. If a person makes a feature request and a few months later still no-one else has commented, and then that person badgers me to answer and starts accusing me of poor product support..... :?

A feature request placed on this forum does not require a response from me - it is not a bug and clearly you have the software installed and working. To extrapolate my unresponsiveness as indicative of poor customer support is miss-representative and rather unfair. Particularly since I have provided all product updates free of additional charge and, in particular, with Choir Boy, I have added more features with each update.

Not everyone that sends me feature requests is a licensed customer. Responding to a feature request is not the same as product support. I do not respond to all feature requests. Please try and appreciate this distinction.

No customer has EVER had to badger me for product support.



ok, well obviously choir boy is not so popular, cause this is the most reasonable feature request EVER.

i realise it snaps in semitone increments when activated, my suggestion was the display also changed to +1, -3 etc when that one button is hit. How hard could itpossible be to implement?

anyway, it is the only pitch shifter i have seen work this way, and the only elevayta product i bought without trying the demo, because of your other excellent products, and it was pretty much the only harmonizer plugin on the planet when released (other than the steinberg voice machine)

It's no big deal. I am happy with everything else. I use spaceboy on every project, in fact, i could not imagine mixing without it


ttoz wrote:ok, well obviously choir boy is not so popular, cause this is the most reasonable feature request EVER.
Nope, Choir Boy is popular enough. You under-estimate how much effort is actually required to make a new release. Just adding a small feature is like this: After changing the code and checking that it works under all circumstances, I then need to update the Instructions and then it can take me a month of verification in all the various host applications that change their implementation of VST with every new release.

I prefer to wait until I have enough features/bugs to make it worth my while to make a new release. This, I would say, is the norm for software products.


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