Automating Choir Boy!?

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I tried for the first time to automate some Choir Boy parameters in my Cubase Studio 4 project today, but couldn't get the plugin to react to it at all. Tried similar automation with some other plugins and it worked fine with them. Is automation supposed to work ok with Choir Boy? The manual says is should, but maybe it's only supported for particular hosts or so?



I just checked again in Cubase. Choir Boy is responding in real-time to automation but did not respond to a recorded automation curve.



Space Boy wrote:Hi,

I just checked again in Cubase. Choir Boy is responding in real-time to automation but did not respond to a recorded automation curve.

Thanks for the answer Paul!

But isn't the whole point with automation that you can record, edit and save your parameter changes? What exactly can one do with real-time automation?

What I was trying to do was to pitch shift a vocal track slightly during certain passages. I can't use the midi notes feature for that, since the voice only needs to be fine tuned. So I was hoping I could automate movement of the voice pitch slider.

Is there some other way I can do what I want without recording automation? Or is it possible you will add support for reading automation in ChoirBoy?



I am surprised that Choir Boy is not responding to recorded automation. Maybe there is a conflict with the Midi control. I will check the code.

My other products are responding normally to automation.



Space Boy wrote:Hi,

I am surprised that Choir Boy is not responding to recorded automation. Maybe there is a conflict with the Midi control. I will check the code.

My other products are responding normally to automation.

Oh great, thanks for looking into it! It would be such a treat if ChoirBoy could be used with automation. There aren't that many plugins that can do these sort of things. A ChoirBoy that can handle automation can be used for lot more things than just doubling voices. Please let us know what you find. Again, thanks!


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