"World Bass Star" Competition - CLOSED

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EDIT: The contest is now closed--please check this thread to vote for your favorite entry: http://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=250937

Attention Keyboardists: It's time to dust off those keyboard bass chops and release your inner Jaco, Flea, Jamie, Tony—you name it—as Orange Tree Samples proudly presents its first World Bass Star Competition.

Just record your best demo featuring one or more of Orange Tree Samples' bass libraries and send it to us to enter (see the linked web page for the full details). All musical genres are welcome. The winner will be determined by popular vote here at the Orange Tree Samples Forum and announced on May 16, 2009.

The first place winner will receive a copy of our upcoming "Iconic Bass: Jaco" fretless bass sample library and one additional Orange Tree Samples library and have his/her demo featured at OrangeTreeSamples.com. Second and third place winners will also receive sample libraries. Even more, everyone who enters the competition will receive a special prize! (We'd tell you what it is, but that would take all of the fun out of it, wouldn't it?)

Want to compete but don't already own one of our sample libraries? We have you covered. Orange Tree Samples wants to make it easy for you to join in the fun by extending a special 40%-off discount on any of our bass libraries.

Entries end on May 10, 2009, so start practicing now!

For more information and the discount code, click here: World Bass Star Competition

Have fun, and spread the word!

EDIT: The contest ends on May 16th, when the winners will be announced.
Last edited by Gregjazz on Mon May 11, 2009 1:05 am, edited 2 times in total.
Greg Schlaepfer
Orange Tree Samples
Ultra-realistic sample libraries for Kontakt


The discount is cool!

And please Greg confirm to me how many velocity lavels do you have in your CoreBass Pear. I am little confused with 400mb 24bit size of it. Seems very view. Maybe you don't sample every note?


Blackbyrd wrote:The discount is cool!

And please Greg confirm to me how many velocity lavels do you have in your CoreBass Pear. I am little confused with 400mb 24bit size of it. Seems very view. Maybe you don't sample every note?
There are a lot of scripting tricks used to reduce the size, while making CoreBass Pear more dynamic and realistic to play.

The velocity layers are on special effects, such as slaps, mutes, and rakes (3-4 velocity layers). The main note range, like CoreBass Cherry, uses scripted EQ to model the tonal changes of different velocities. There are also multi-velocity sampled pre-plucks, which are basically the attack portion of the samples, which change depending on velocity. So if you play loudly, you hear the clack of the strings off the end of the fingerboard. If you play quietly, you hear the subtle sound of your plucking finger moving across the string a few milliseconds before the note sustains.

Not every note is sampled--for example, on the E string, I sampled all the notes in an E ionian scale (E, F#, G#, A, B, C#, D#, E).
Greg Schlaepfer
Orange Tree Samples
Ultra-realistic sample libraries for Kontakt


Wow! That is very cool indeed Greg and I am gonna shop for it right now!

Also I'd like to voice that the idea of this contest is very right as I was really unimpressed by your demos. I could say - they are the weakest spot of your products. Some are nice, but very view. Maybe it is just my taste as they are to pop for me, I dunno, but you need some good demos. I hope you wont get upset after that. That's my true customer opinion and you should be intrested in it as a seller.

Thanks for detailed explanation.


Blackbyrd wrote: Also I'd like to voice that the idea of this contest is very right as I was really unimpressed by your demos. I could say - they are the weakest spot of your products. Some are nice, but very view. Maybe it is just my taste as they are to pop for me, I dunno, but you need some good demos. I hope you wont get upset after that. That's my true customer opinion and you should be intrested in it as a seller.
Not at all, I really appreciate the feedback! As you know, the appeal of audio demos is very important. If you have any suggestions for other types of music or styles that would be good to have demos for, please let me know--you can email me, PM me, or reply here.
Greg Schlaepfer
Orange Tree Samples
Ultra-realistic sample libraries for Kontakt


Blackbyrd wrote:Wow! Also I'd like to voice that the idea of this contest is very right as I was really unimpressed by your demos. I could say - they are the weakest spot of your products. Some are nice, but very view. Maybe it is just my taste as they are to pop for me, I dunno, but you need some good demos. I hope you wont get upset after that. That's my true customer opinion and you should be intrested in it as a seller.

Thanks for detailed explanation.

I have to strongly disagree with you regarding your opinion that the demos are a weak point. In fact, the demos were a huge part of what attracted me and several others that I know to Orange Tree's libraries. The Steve Morsel demo is incredible. I played it and one of the other demos to a long time guitarist friend of mine (who went to college for music and guitar and has historically been hyper-critical and even insultive of sampled guitar) and he was truly shocked that it was not a real guitar. I actually had to persuade him that it was played from a keyboard. He was also extremely impressed by the overall performance on the two demos.

Now perhaps what you meant to communicate is that you don't like the musical styles covered by the demos? However, you have instead communicated a barrage of highly subjective insults without any supporting rationale. Consequently, it is impossible to confidently discern whether the reason for your dissatisfaction was the musical genres chosen or something you didn't like about the performances, only that you didn't like the demos, a point you state ad nauseum: "I was really unimpressed by your demos," "they are the weakest spot of your products" "very view (sic)(are nice)," "you need some good demos" and so on.

I'm guessing that you didn't mean any harm. If so, I would recommend that you consider that you can more effectively communicate your point (and avoid being offensive) by stating specifically why you did not enjoy the demos and provide the supporting rationale. For example, "I enjoy Hip Hop and was disappointed that Hip Hop was not represented in any of your demos" or whatever it was about the demos that you found disappointing.

On a lighter note, the pressure is now on for you to create a killer entry in the "World Bass Star" competition!


You mentioned right how my post was lacking argumentation, I just sad that I don't like it without pointing out anything exactly. Let me see how I came up with such an arrogant opinion... Well, I came to the site, donwloaded the demos and it was jusy my first impression. I was checking out CoreGuitar Strawberry and really, not a single demo impressed me. It sounded 'cheap' and primitive to my ears. Like some very cliche guitar rock-pop sound. Now I should say that I don't want to offence anyone saying this, but that how I feeled about them.

But I loved Core Bass pear demos, they were nice.

So from this you can make a conclusion, that: I like jazz. And for a trained with jazz music ear, thouse CoreGuitar demos sounded 'cheap'. I am not also limited to jazz. I like many many styles of music including dub, ambient, folk, ethno.. oh hard for me to separate it by genres, but it could be someting with the range of.. from king crimson and david sylvian to jonh coltrane, from joni mitchell to angelique kidjo and trilok gurtu, from nils petter movaer to rahsann roland kirk and chet baker to name a view. So I like that type of music, I think my taste is a developed one. And this taste did not like that demos.

And I have not sad anything about the quality of CoreGuitar. Only about demos. They could have been recorded even with a real guitar, it doesn't matter. Gregs products are of the finest quality and innovative among others like Scarbee and Tonehammer for me.
If so, I would recommend that you consider that you can more effectively communicate your point (and avoid being offensive) by stating specifically why you did not enjoy the demos and provide the supporting rationale
I agree with this, I'll try to follow your advice eDrummist. I see clearly that all that you pointed out in my message was kind of insulting words that probably just discribe my persoanl music taste, I could have said smth like : The demos have not attracted me at all probably cos of the genre they were played in and that wouldn't make any offence, right?

Sorry if my english sounds primitive. I'm learning it. Maybe my first message about demos was caused by my laziness. I didn't want to pick words for well stated opinion and justed dumped all that emotionally primitive and potentialy insulting comments like "Your demos are the weakest spot" I am sorry for all of you that have read it, and especially for the one who made those demos :) Sorry. But I don't like them :cry:

Maybe Greg should put demos in some different genres for choice?


Blackbyrd wrote:You mentioned right how my post was lacking argumentation, I just sad that I don't like it without pointing out anything exactly. Let me see how I came up with such an arrogant opinion... Well, I came to the site, donwloaded the demos and it was jusy my first impression. I was checking out CoreGuitar Strawberry and really, not a single demo impressed me. It sounded 'cheap' and primitive to my ears. Like some very cliche guitar rock-pop sound. Now I should say that I don't want to offence anyone saying this, but that how I feeled about them.
It's true, most of the demos for those products focus on rock/pop, since I feel like that is the main style of music my customers are interested in. However, since the libraries are not limited to that style by any means, I should consider creating more audio samples demonstrating this. Ideally I would have some sort of streaming Flash player, where the demos are organized into genres.
Blackbyrd wrote: So from this you can make a conclusion, that: I like jazz. And for a trained with jazz music ear, thouse CoreGuitar demos sounded 'cheap'.
Yeah, I didn't make any jazz demos with CoreGuitar. However, seeing as I have my BA in jazz performance (I was one of two "distinguished graduates" in that field for my year, and got my name on a plaque, etc.), I should probably put that practice to use and create jazz demos as well.
Blackbyrd wrote: I am not also limited to jazz. I like many many styles of music including dub, ambient, folk, ethno.. oh hard for me to separate it by genres, but it could be someting with the range of.. from king crimson and david sylvian to jonh coltrane, from joni mitchell to angelique kidjo and trilok gurtu, from nils petter movaer to rahsann roland kirk and chet baker to name a view. So I like that type of music, I think my taste is a developed one. And this taste did not like that demos.
All great artists! I'm that way, too--I like a wide variety of music. I have played in bands from traditional jazz trios and quartets, jazz fusion bands, funk groups, to a roadhouse blues band and even a Hindi pop band.

The thing I like about studying jazz is that the theory can apply to all genres of music.
Blackbyrd wrote: And I have not sad anything about the quality of CoreGuitar. Only about demos. They could have been recorded even with a real guitar, it doesn't matter. Gregs products are of the finest quality and innovative among others like Scarbee and Tonehammer for me.
Thank you for the compliment!
Blackbyrd wrote: Sorry if my english sounds primitive. I'm learning it. Maybe my first message about demos was caused by my laziness. I didn't want to pick words for well stated opinion and justed dumped all that emotionally primitive and potentialy insulting comments like "Your demos are the weakest spot" I am sorry for all of you that have read it, and especially for the one who made those demos :) Sorry
I really appreciate your honesty, though. The fact is that you found the demos for those products were not very impressive (and noted that this has nothing to do with the actual quality of the libraries themselves). It doesn't matter what I think about the demos, but rather the consumer's opinion. Honestly, this only encourages me to make better demos in the future and rework existing ones.
Greg Schlaepfer
Orange Tree Samples
Ultra-realistic sample libraries for Kontakt


Gregjazz wrote:
Blackbyrd wrote: So from this you can make a conclusion, that: I like jazz. And for a trained with jazz music ear, thouse CoreGuitar demos sounded 'cheap'.
Yeah, I didn't make any jazz demos with CoreGuitar. However, seeing as I have my BA in jazz performance (I was one of two "distinguished graduates" in that field for my year, and got my name on a plaque, etc.), I should probably put that practice to use and create jazz demos as well.
Hmmm... How could someone listen demo #3 and not think "John Scofield circa 1986"? 8)

http://www.orangetreesamples.com/audio/ ... -demo3.mp3

Or maybe fusion lost it's Jazz Status and nobody tol' me? :)

I think that demo shows off the quality and seamlessness of the nuance and articulation you can get out of the product, which is the important thing to focus on, IMO.


Truly nice funky peace of music. I would probably change my opinion if I would listen to this tune first, but it happend that I went with other two peaces after which the desire to continue checking them out have stopped. So probably it would be nice to put a genre name in the brackets or more demos with more diverse genres like Greg said using a flash player with genre labels two.


Blackbyrd wrote:So probably it would be nice to put a genre name in the brackets or more demos with more diverse genres like Greg said using a flash player with genre labels two.
Agreed! Greg has the chops to do some bang up Jazz pieces in different styles... Was listening again to the Pear demos last night. Some great playing in there!


kbaccki wrote:
Blackbyrd wrote:So probably it would be nice to put a genre name in the brackets or more demos with more diverse genres like Greg said using a flash player with genre labels two.
Agreed! Greg has the chops to do some bang up Jazz pieces in different styles... Was listening again to the Pear demos last night. Some great playing in there!
Hey guys, is this the "World Bass Star" competition thread or the "Greg Demo Star" thread? I also enjoy Greg's playing, but he's not eligible to enter, so let's get this thread back on track. Does anyone have demos to submit? Bring 'em on!


eDrummist wrote: Hey guys, is this the "World Bass Star" competition thread or the "Greg Demo Star" thread? I also enjoy Greg's playing, but he's not eligible to enter
Don't rub it in! ;)
eDrummist wrote: Does anyone have demos to submit? Bring 'em on!
If anybody wants to post their entry on the forum or in this thread, they are welcome to. Just remember that the rules state that the entries should be ultimately emailed to me. I've already received some great entries!
Greg Schlaepfer
Orange Tree Samples
Ultra-realistic sample libraries for Kontakt


Hi Greg.

Thanks for extending the deadline for the competition. But - I dont know if you're aware of that I got your email 4 times = the amount of your products I have. When you first announced the competition I thought it was just a test or something, but now it happened again. Could you please streamline your user-database to only send out 1 email to each user... It's not a complaint - merely a friendly suggestion ;)

- Torben
music // twolegs // geometriae
sounddesign // twolegstoneworks


metal wrote: Thanks for extending the deadline for the competition. But - I dont know if you're aware of that I got your email 4 times = the amount of your products I have. When you first announced the competition I thought it was just a test or something, but now it happened again. Could you please streamline your user-database to only send out 1 email to each user... It's not a complaint - merely a friendly suggestion ;)
Yeah, I realize that--it was a big mistake on my part, and I'm about to post an apology on this forum. I realize how annoying it can be to receive duplicates of an email.
Greg Schlaepfer
Orange Tree Samples
Ultra-realistic sample libraries for Kontakt

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