Confused about this GB story...

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I'm not sure to really grab the point about that GB annoucement, at least at this time.

To my eyes, a GB mainly means that people will have to wait more (untill the last, final day comes) before being able to order and get this long awaited fretless bass....

This, except if of course the release date is still a bit far away, because the product is not totally finished.
But the stuff seemed to go very well on the technical side of things (beta tests, etc.) so I doubt that this is a likely reason behind this unexpected postponing of the release.

Plus, this becomes even more confusing with the "bundle offer" :
Of course such a bundle MIGHT be a bargain for totally new customers, but most of your users -the ones who will click "buy" the very minute you send a link :shock: ) probably own already everything you made so far (not dozens of libs, anyway)...

So, I fail to see the advantage : I indeed doubt a "bundle" can be so cheap -even at lowest price- that even one customer just interested in the Jaco finds it attractive.

Well, all of this just puzzles me.

BUT, maybe, this is just me not understanding the whole story.
I hope we'll have clarifications very soon.


Well, I originally had planned on a special sale which included bundling products, but decided that I'd offer a much larger discount on any of our products by doing a group buy. The release date is 6-23-2009. I plan on ending the group buy around the release date so you will not have to wait.

I hope you will agree that this is a good situation for Orange Tree Samples customers whether you own one of our libraries or all of them except the forthcoming Iconic Bass: Jaco library, you'll get the same percent discount on any library you want. Even better, we're not delaying Iconic Bass: Jaco. Yes, it took a little longer than I originally anticipated because some users had ideas for extra features and I decided to add them, but nothing will be delayed and we're offering the largest discount we've ever done--regardless of how many people we get in the group buy, the discounts are going to be big.

I hope that explains things and comes as good news.
Greg Schlaepfer
Orange Tree Samples
Ultra-realistic sample libraries for Kontakt


Hello Greg ,

and thanks for taking the time to try and explain things.

This remains a little "misty" to me, but as long as it does not delay the "normal" release date, and does not end up with a higher price than the usual discounted one for returning customers, it's okay by me.

8) 8)


Where are these bundles/GB/sales of which you speak? I was on the orange tree site and didn't see anything there other than some very tasty looking products.

So many plugins, so little time...


The group buy is talked about in this new thread:

I'll update the website as soon as the group buy starts (hopefully very, very soon!)
Greg Schlaepfer
Orange Tree Samples
Ultra-realistic sample libraries for Kontakt

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