[BUG] ; v1.8

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Version 1.8 (Full Registered version with license file)
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Microsoft Windows 7 Professional, 64bit



I seem to be having the same issue - Im using Windows 7 32 bit. Im also having trouble with convolution at the bottom of the layers list. Both just freeze up the program.



I've heard 3 reports of that bug, sadly I haven't been able to reproduce it myself. Can anyone tell me if it also does it with the demo version? If it also freezes in the demo version then it tells me just where the problem is coming from. Thank you!
Developer of Photosounder (a spectral editor/synth), SplineEQ and Spiral


Someone was kind enough to actually tell me what happens in logfile.txt when that occurs (something quite necessary for me to know what's going on) and so I'll be able to fix it in the next release.
Developer of Photosounder (a spectral editor/synth), SplineEQ and Spiral

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