New Music Lab Machine available ... Shangri-La

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Our intrepid explorers have returned to HS Towers, tired and weary, khakis ripped and pith helmets slightly the worse for wear, from an arduous expedition in the far east. There, they discovered an ancient machine buried deep in a derelict temple in the Kunlun mountain range of the Tibetan plateau.


It was a bit of a bugger getting it through customs but its panel proved ideal for adapting to accommodate some haunting Tibetan bowl samples we have here from our weird Deutschfreund, Matthias Shuster and his enigmatic wife, Trautonium.

With 61 samples (one for each note of a 5-octave keyboard), each one is individually editable with tuning, panning and EQ and multi-mode, dual slope filters, two envelopes, a multi-wave LFO, distortion, bit crusher and sample rate reducer before being passed to a comprehensive multi-FX chain comprising chorus, phase shifting, flanger, echo and a convolved reverb with a wide range of custom impulses.

Don't expect solid basses and soaring leadlines - this is one for abstract soundscapes ... or a sound in a regular track that will make people ask "What the hell was that?" as its subtle impact is felt. This really is a sublime soundset for anyone looking for something out of the ordinary.


Shangri La is available now for $8 for Kontakt 4.2.3.


NOTE: This WILL work with the free Kontakt Player but only in 'demo' mode and the session will be time limited.

Requires Kontakt 4.2.3




Just bought it but download just hangs. I bought several others in this series without a problem. Server problems?

Now when I click on the download link it tells me it has expired.
Last edited by Bobbotov on Thu Aug 18, 2011 12:15 am, edited 1 time in total.


Tibetan bowls...Shangri La...oh maan, I'm home.

I'm only posting here to bookmark the thread so that I can come back in the morning and buy it (need sleep now) :D
VSTi and hardware synth sound design
3D/5D sound design since 2012


Bobbotov wrote:Just bought it but download just hangs. I bought several others in this series without a problem. Server problems?

Now when I click on the download link it tells me it has expired.
You and I are in communication over this privately via email.

As mentioned, I suspect server problems with my reseller.

Don't be alarmed - probably temporary and it will be resolved.




himalaya wrote:Tibetan bowls...Shangri La...oh maan, I'm home.


hollowsun wrote:
Bobbotov wrote:Just bought it but download just hangs. I bought several others in this series without a problem. Server problems?

Now when I click on the download link it tells me it has expired.
You and I are in communication over this privately via email.

As mentioned, I suspect server problems with my reseller.

Don't be alarmed - probably temporary and it will be resolved.


No doubt. Thanks for the e-mails. Never been a problem before. Remember, progress is getting things to work as well as they used to!

In any case, looks like another winner in the MLM suite.


The "add to cart" link is not working. Leads to something to called Payloadz and not Paypal. Puts nothing in cart and gives no way to complete transaction (that I can see).


Yes. There's a (very awkwardly timed) temporary server side problem. Apologies for that.

Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible.




hollowsun wrote:Yes. There's a (very awkwardly timed) temporary server side problem. Apologies for that.

Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible.



ah, that explains it. having the same problem. curiously, though, i bought techtron at bthe same time and it downloaded without issues.
my other modular synth is a bugbrand


Yes - there is a problem just with the Shangri-La download. As soon as it's back up again, I'll be in touch with a new link.

My apologies - beyond my control (and understanding), unfortunately!




Did this get resolved yet?


If it had been, you'd have been the first to know.

Seems Payloadz made some tweaks to their system and broke it. My other stuff is fine - it's just this one that's playing up. I'm hoping it'll be fixed today.





You guys sure make cool instruments at fantastic prizes. I'm even so tempted that I might start using Kontakt again. Wonderful! Wonderful!!

HARDWARE SAMPLER FANATIC - Akai S1100/S950/Z8 - Casio FZ20m - Emu Emax I - Ensoniq ASR10/EPS


I have - regrettably - temporarily withdrawn the product until Payloadz can get their sh!t together.

I am extremely cross, as you can imagine, but with the weekend upon us, I am not holding my breath for a quick solution.

So, sadly, it's on hold for now.

Bloody shame because we worked our arses off to make this available and it's a damned fine soundset (though I say so myself).

And I don't want to be too hard on Payloadz because they are normally glitch free ...

But their programmers (it seems) took it upon themselves to tweak ((ahem) 'improve') things .... and broke something in the process! :roll:

Very frustrating for me as you can imagine and apologies to anyone who has bought - I'll sort you out one way or another until this is sorted.

Technology, eh? Wonderful when it works, PITA when it doesn't.

Ho hum. Could be worse - hardly life threatening. Some perspective required.

But easier said than done - I am seething with frustration.





hollowsun wrote: took it upon themselves to tweak ((ahem) 'improve') things .... and broke something in the process! :roll:
heh, the amount of times i've done that...

can't wait to get my paws on this :wink:


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