Harpsichords problem

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Hello all,

Maybe someone has noticed too: when playing the lovely new harpsichords the voice count keeps on growing until Kontakt chokes. No pedal used -no point when plays harpsichords- and happens in both stand alone mode and when used as a VST. Harpsichord music is usually busy, so right now they are unuseable... and they sound so good, though...

Am I missing something?

Thanks for any help.


this issue is related to the polyphony of the key-0ff samples, which can build up and use a lot of CPU.

we've now posted an update, which can be downloaded from your SC user account

Which limits the polyphony of the key-off samples, and so fixes the issue.



Hello James,

Well, thank you very much for your promt response and for the updates.
Great service and great products.

Where the key-off samples so long?
Where they more than the picks returning as the key released on the instrument?
So what happens when playing now, after 16 notes the first one gets cut ("stolen")as a new key-off is triggered?

By the way, congratulations on the product, it sounds superb. And chossing the manuals articulations without having to load another instrument is very handy.

The only problem is when loading more instruments. I often use harps with a string ensemble. So if one day you decide to do an update, and is not way too much work, maybe it would be handy to also have the sting sets + the damper as single instruments, not as handy but as memory saver. Not an essential thing but it could be handy. My two cents.

Thanks again for the super-fast-efficient effort.

Javier V


Hi Javier,

The "quill click" is only about half a second, but there's a couple seconds of instrument box resonance after that, which is very very quiet.

So the note stealing will happen during the extremely quiet part, since 16 notes later is very likely to be more than 0.5 seconds. (Note that the key-offs are not being stolen by key-ons, so you'd have to be playing incredibly fast to get 16 notes finished in half a second... if you need to do this however, you can raise the polyphony on voice group 1.) We initially had it set much higher, but a few people ran into CPU issues.

We could possibly introduce a sample purge if you turn the string sets off, which would save memory. But in fact, the harpsichords don't use very much RAM
compared to our other libraries, so we didn't think this was really necessary. Turning a string set off does already free the samples from using any polyphony however.



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