Rhino2: Problems with note triggering

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The new audiomidi deal just pushed Rhino to the top of my next-to-buy list. So I downloaded the demo of Rhino 2 to try it out, and now I am experiencing some issues.

Each note has only about a 75% chance of triggering when played with midi. This happens when using the vst in my host, and the standalone. I tried both the 64 and 32 bit versions and this is still an issue. Is this just a demo restriction?



I believe it is a demo resistriction. My audiomidi version works fine :)


It's a demo restriction. It's already been discussed in one of the (many) other Rhino threads today.


JamieSkeen wrote:I believe it is a demo resistriction. My audiomidi version works fine :)
yeah I believe it's the random note drop demo restriction that could cause this


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