idea: pared down mid record

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A basic plug to record midi input (triggered by transport/midi/button) and then export it either as 1 midi file or 1 midi file per each active note or per each active octave (for percussion tracks etc)

midiLooper could probably do the recording and exporting part of this but to be honest looking at the busy interface for midiLooper practically makes me forget what I was going to do.


For recording and saving one midi file i would have to suggest midiLooper. just concentrate and ignore everything but the "Record" and "Save" buttons.

One file per note is an interesting idea. I could add it via a right-click menu on the Save button to avoid further cluttering the GUI. There could be options for one file per note, per octave, or per channel...
wrongtastic, baby
tucson's number one gothic rock band since 1995


I could live with that. Thanks for considering :)

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