Third Minibrute from the second retailer and still broken

Anything about hardware musical instruments.


Broken, broken, broken, they're ALL BROKEN! What does it take to get a Minibrute that isn't broken? And how are they making it into shops and into orders? Visibly broken! Who puts the warranty card in and packs them up and thinks "Job done, THAT customer won't be asking for a refund!". It's just a waste of everybody's time. < My new album at Bandcamp! Now pay what you like!


I had a similar issue with Sound Control when I bought a ReMote 25SL from them. Aftrr recieving 2 broken units I spoke to someone in their office who personally checked my next replacement before dispatch. I still have that one.

Sorry to hear about the issues you are having. Have you tried ringing the supplier? I just bought a Microbrute from Gear4music ... it was a couple of weeks late, but arrived in perfect condition.
Last edited by thecontrolcentre on Thu Dec 05, 2013 1:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.


The one I received last year had a bent mod wheel, and one of the weights from the keys had fallen off and found its way inside the unit. I was able to fix these issues myself, but the experience certainly seemed to suggest that QC could be improved.


Arturia are not known for their quality and support for their products.

The keyboard I got does not even have one firmware update - despite bugs in there.

It's just sad they still exist, really.


Not yet, though this is the second supplier I've tried. This one is actually in slightly worse condition than the previous two, since one key is unpressable, and two are sticking up and flopping about.

Thinking about switching to a Bass Station 2 and forgetting about it. < My new album at Bandcamp! Now pay what you like!


My Minibrute seems to be ok so far. However, I had a Microbrute in my hands recently and I have to say that the knobs feel more sturdy than on my Minibrute.
VSTi and hardware synth sound design
3D/5D sound design since 2012


You aren't supposed to touch it Sendy. It says so in the fine print.
I don't suppose you read that bit.
I'm tired of being insane. I'm going outsane for some fresh air.


My microbrute has been was supposed tho ship on the 1st. Now it's the 17th.
Gives me more time to practice my telekinesis.
I'm tired of being insane. I'm going outsane for some fresh air.


Arturia is just a joke.

Shite products, by shite people, with shite support.


werp wrote:You aren't supposed to touch it Sendy. It says so in the fine print.
I don't suppose you read that bit.
The slave I keep under the stairs to read all the small print from every product and product update I get died the other day from exhaustion :( His last words were "This.... is..... impossible!" or somesuch.
Last edited by Sendy on Thu Dec 05, 2013 2:17 pm, edited 1 time in total. < My new album at Bandcamp! Now pay what you like!


I have an Arturia Origin keyboard...not one issue with it. I didn't take the gamble on the minibrute though, the keys felt crappy.
I've succumbed to temptation on the micro.
I'm tired of being insane. I'm going outsane for some fresh air.


Sendy wrote:Broken, broken, broken, they're ALL BROKEN! What does it take to get a Minibrute that isn't broken? And how are they making it into shops and into orders? Visibly broken! Who puts the warranty card in and packs them up and thinks "Job done, THAT customer won't be asking for a refund!". It's just a waste of everybody's time.
do you have much hardware posted ? it could be the postman, somewhere along the line, who's a bit too rough & ready with your parcel. That, plus maybe not great build quality to stand up to the rough & readiness = 3 damaged units in a row. [/devils advocate]

I've been buying used/new hardware for as long as I've been making music, about 12 yrs, and there's one country in particular that stuff was always arriving damaged from. Anytime I buy from that country I make very specific instructions on how to pack it, this has kept the units safe, but I can still see damage to the box when it arrives about 66% of the time.

Just a thought.


Sendy wrote:
werp wrote:You aren't supposed to touch it Sendy. It says so in the fine print.
I don't suppose you read that bit.
The slave I keep under the stairs to read all the small print from every product and product update I get died the other day from exhaustion :( His last words were "This.... is..... impossible!" or somesuch.
I'll send you the harry potter mk viii.
It's supposed to work well even though it has a habit of beheading people it forms close relationships with.
I'm tired of being insane. I'm going outsane for some fresh air.


I've had dribs and drabs of hardware sent by courier before. Especially before the VST revolution. Never had any problems with the courier. The thought has crossed my mind, but the boxes arrive in perfect condition, everything is snugly packaged and bubble wrapped. Three times in a row seems a bit too much of a coincidence.

I don't know of any decent synth shops on the Isle of Wight, all the music shops seem to just sell guitars and cheeseboards. < My new album at Bandcamp! Now pay what you like!


werp wrote: I didn't take the gamble on the minibrute though, the keys felt crappy.
I've succumbed to temptation on the micro.
No issues with the keys here. They are a bit soft, but then for a two octave mono synth at that bargain price, it's fine. The aftertouch is also well implemented (having aftertouch on a synth like this is a minor miracle in fact).
VSTi and hardware synth sound design
3D/5D sound design since 2012

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