Why loudness war is good

Anything about MUSIC but doesn't fit into the forums above.


Because I can listen to songs LOUD on my shitty underpowered devices! Thats why! And if you think if its bad, think again, peasant - because it's damn good! Even quietest epic Enya and Enigma songs only benefits from glorious maximizing, they sound like shit until I will MAXIMIZE THEM TO LAST BIT in PlayerPro, then, I could enjoy them FINALLY. Because I want it as LOUD as possible. Everyone want. :P Only damn aspergers :party: can't get :dog: why loudness war is GOOD! :phones:


clearly You don't appreciate Dynamic range.


wow! the mastering engineer of Enya and Cretu is here! :lol:
Whoever wants music instead of noise, joy instead of pleasure, soul instead of gold, creative work instead of business, passion instead of foolery, finds no home in this trivial world of ours.


We need to pull our troops out of the Dynamic Range and let the region govern itself or there will be continued bloodshed! :cry: :cry:


V0RT3X wrote:clearly You don't appreciate Dynamic range.
Clearly I appreciate mighty LOUDNESS over shitty dynamic nobody cares about. :phones: :borg:


I think any person who wants ridiculously compressed loud stuff has hearing problems and can't appreciate the subtle details of a great mix.

Althought It must be nice when you can't hear inherent flaws in the sound and just take things as they are. I mean it would save you a lot of money right? Just buy a huge pair KRK Rokit 10-3s and use Ozone Maximizer on your tracks and make it as loud as possible and then bam your a instant mastering engineer with a professional opinion.

Actually NO i like learning how to mix properly instead of just making shit super loud.


Sometimes I only compose with maximum amplitude squarewaves. It's the closest thing to infinite apparent loudness there is.
http://sendy.bandcamp.com/releases < My new album at Bandcamp! Now pay what you like!


I'll end this argument with this.

"“iTunes radio will not just ‘turn down the volume,’ but may peak-limit the important transient peaks of the material and make the song sound ‘smaller’ and less clear than its competition." Quoted from below link

:lol: That cracks me up because it basically forces wannabes to learn how to mix properly if they want to sell their stuff on Itunes. I imagine lots of current big name artists will have to re-master their stuff after that too

http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/permali ... esloudness
Last edited by V0RT3X on Fri Mar 14, 2014 8:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.


The OP does have a point.
Whenever some wanker is loud on the train it is Death Magnetic that goes on immediately. It can be quiet and yet loud all at the same time.
"I was wondering if you'd like to try Magic Mushrooms"
"Oooh I dont know. Sounds a bit scary"
"It's not scary. You just lose a sense of who you are and all that sh!t"


V0RT3X wrote:I'll end this argument with this.

"“iTunes radio will not just ‘turn down the volume,’ but may peak-limit the important transient peaks of the material and make the song sound ‘smaller’ and less clear than its competition." Quoted from below link

http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/permali ... esloudness
Strange to think iTunes may actually do something genuinely positive for music. And if it does, hats off to it!
http://sendy.bandcamp.com/releases < My new album at Bandcamp! Now pay what you like!


Seriously guys, its not that bad as you think. In many cases it's a total wannahave, if even youre losing dynamics. For example, my Emu 0204 ( I have Essence STX btw, but rarely use it) can be loud enough for my Beyers Dt250 when tracks have -7 RMS power. It's a total disaster if track isn't LOUD enough . If I listening to Enya, for example, even Foobar's replaygain maximizing it to +2 db! :hihi:
So if even it looks dirty, still it SOUNDS decent with good maximizer/breakwall limiter. I'm harddance producer anyway, so loudness war is in my blood. :hihi:


Especially considering how many DRIVE maximizing adds to the track. Will you bitch about it?


I think that only the people who can't really mix well can benefit from the side-effect of over-compression to a certain extent, yes! Note: A good mixed and mastered track can seem loud without sacrificing dynamics and other values.

So, "shitty under-powered devices" require shitty sounding music, you are basically saying just that...


I think this guy X-soul is trolling


Dynamics are sooooo 2013..... :roll:

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