Oscillators as mod sources?

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I noticed that oscs 1-4 can be used as mod sources in the mod matrix. I tested these out modulating the pitch of other oscs to see how it worked as FM and gave some cool fmish results. What confused me was that the sound didn't seem to change when I altered the modulator osc controls like pitch or waveform. These usually have a huge effect when modulating another osc.

What's going on there?



Anybody home?


I just realized that changing the oscillators parameters when it's used as a mod source only affects the destination if the oscillator's mixer value is above 0.

Just to clarify with an example, if you set osc 1 as mod source in the matrix and osc 2 pitch as destination, and then bring up the mod amount, now osc 1 is modulating osc 2. Have the volume of osc 2 up and osc 1 all the way down. You can clearly hear that osc2 is being modulated by osc 1 as it has a distinctive FM sound. But when you change the waveform shape or pitch of osc 1 it does not affect the sound. Not bring osc volume just above 0 and suddenly parameter changes in osc 1 do affect the sound of osc 2 as you'd expect. Note that osc 1 wasn't clicked "off" it was just at 0 volume which is what you'd normally do if you just want to use it as a modulation source.

IMO, this should not be the case - you don't always want to mix in an oscillator that is a modulation source. It doesn't make a big difference if it's only raised to a value of 1. But seeing as oscillators have an off mode, it's strange that the modulator osc needs to be above 0 volume and I would suggest that the modulation should function the same regardless of whether the source is brought up in the mixer. I'm curious if this is intended for some reason.

Not sure why I'm writing this here as I don't think anyone will read it, but why not.

The cool thing about Spire is that it can actually work as a 4 osc FM synth since the modulation matrix allows routing an osc to the parameters of another osc. So you can do frequency or phase modulation or modulate lots of other parameters by an oscillator. It kind of makes it like a full modular synth.

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