Modelonia demo on Mac PPC: not showing up (solved)

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I'm a happy Luddite who's still running OS 10.5.8 on a dual G5.

Modelonia Player is running happily.

I've tried installing the Modelonia Demo but, although the AU is physically present, it's ignored by both Digital Performer and Sibelius.

I used the 1.7.x installer (August 2008 vintage) which, according to the introductory blurb, is compatible with PPC.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.


sorry for the late reply, compatibility with PPC is not guranteed since we are no more able to check the plugins on a PPC machine, Modelonia 1.7.x should be compatible since it's a Universal Binary build, but as I said we didn't try it on PPC,
just one idea: there may be a conflict in the AU validation with the Modelonia Player if they are both installed as AU


Thanks for the reply! That fixed it - all I needed to do was to delete the Modelonia Player and then re-scan the plug-ins.

And the good news is that, so far, it's working fine!


Great! Thanks for keeping up trying

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