2CAudio Kaleidoscope | It's A Trip | Latest Update 1.1

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Annual Subscription for Kaleidoscope Kaleidoscope


Latest Update

Version 1.1.0
Date: 06/20/2016


Both the DEMO and FULL versions have been replaced.

http://2caudio.com/sitecontent/products ... mo_OSX.zip

http://2caudio.com/sitecontent/products ... mo_Win.zip

http://www.galbanum.com/shop/product_in ... cts_id=116

(follow the directions there, and apply the coupon code if you qualify)

New orders automatically receive the 1.1.0 version as of today.

Release Notes:

Kaleidoscope 1.1.0 Update Changes:

  • Efficiency should be at least 200-300% better and many cases significantly more than that when using the latest generation CPUs.
  • Efficiency is most improved for Spring resonators. String resonators are improved by 50-75% or so, before considering the other significant performance enhancements below.
  • Max Enabled Lines preference has been replaced with "Resonator Threshold". This is a much more intelligent scheme that disables resonators when their gain is below the specified threshold. This allows resonators which have very low volume and are inaudible or close to it, to be disabled, thus saving additional CPU resoruces.
  • This setting is independant for Real-time and Offline, and a fairly high Threshold option of -48dB is provided to use on lower power CPUs. This can save a huge amount of CPU resources when dealing with presets that have very sparse images, and/or extreme Soft values (i.e. low amplitude of high frequencies.) Since the disabled resonators are extremely low in gain their contribution to the total sound is reasonably minor, and more aggressive (higher) threshold settings can be used for real-time to save additional CPU resources, while the rendered result can include the resonators that are disabled for realtime by using a lower threshold value.
  • The 200-300% figure above is NOT including the use of this new preference, and is a fair test comparing equal active lines between KS 1.0.2 and KS 1.1.0. When using a threshold setting of -48 dB, many preset settings can see even more drastic speedups. Factory preset "Ancient Transmission 01" for example is almost 700% more efficient in KS 1.1.0 compared to 1.0.2!! SEVEN HUNDRED PERCENT!!
  • Increases to efficiency via using Resonator Threshold apply equally for all resonator models, therefore many string presets may see speedups of a few hundred precent as well.

  • Kaleidoscope's buffering system has been completely redesigned.
  • There are independant settings now for Real-Time and Offline. Offline Settings should generally be set to the maximum value which is currently an extremely large value of 65536 samples. Large buffers increase processing efficiency, and since we do not care about latency during offline renders, we can use an extreme setting to increase performance. This is particularly helpful for large multi-core systems.
  • Realtime Buffer options now include "Auto". When using Auto KS does not use any additional internal buffer, and uses only the host/hardware buffer. In this mode KS adds ZERO ADDITIONAL LATENCY. The "Auto" mode should generally also be the most efficient for real-time use. (* Host buffers should still be set to a large value for maximum performance.) "Auto" should be the default choice for Real-time use. We may remove the other options and retain only Auto, depending on user reports/requests.
  • Kaleidoscope works with any size host/hardware buffer including non-power-of-two sizes as are common with some Firewire devices.
  • Kaleidoscope is now a completely "double precision" process. The entire algorithm from input to oversampling, to all processing, to downsampling, to output is done entirely in 64-bit precision math. This is a scientific level of precision and results in a noise floor of something ridiculously low around -300dB or so. Kaleidoscope processing is effectively mathematically perfect.
  • Not only is Kaleidoscope much faster, it is also more precise, which is usually considered an impossible task in engineering.
  • Feedback Relativity has a new bipolar range. Negative values increasingly reduce the decay time for high frequencies making them less resonant. This can help model various natural materials such as wood and biological materials where high frequencies do not generally resonate/ring very long.
  • Mod Offset has a new bipolar range. Negative values will force some pixel values exactly to 0.0 (i.e. "black", i.e. "off"). This allows dense images with lots of non-black pixels to be make much more sparse. This produces very aesthetically interesting sonic results and allows "random picture" data to be a little more useful. It also has significantly performance implications when used together with the new Resonator Threshold preference, in that it will effectively disable more and more lines as their respective gains are reduced below the threshold.
  • Mod Curve has several new interesting options including: Hyperbolic, Asymmetrical Bands, Warp, Iterations, Triangle, Chop, Dual, and Quantize.
  • Combining the new Mod Offset range with the new Mod Curves produces and exponentially greater range of image transformation possibilities.

Fixed previously in 1.0.2:
  • Retina Display issues affecting some Mac models.
  • Improvements to general GUI responsiveness on OSX
  • Fixed an issue with BPM Tuning modes which was introduced in 1.0.1 and effectively had broken Delay FX presets.
  • New preference: Mod Position Show/Hide. Hiding the mod position tracker can save further CPU resources on Retina Display Macs if needed.
  • Other misc fixes/optimizations.
Fixed previously in 1.0.1:
  • Dramatically improved efficiency for String Resonators.
  • Additional improvements to efficiency for all other aspects of the algorithm.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented proper use with systems that had more than 16 physical cores.
  • Additional misc fixed and enhancements.


Six years ago we revolutionized the algorithmic reverb plug-in market with the release of Aether. In the years to follow we further established our legacy in spatial processing with the releases of Breeze and B2. To this day our reverbs remain among the best in the industry and are heard daily by millions of people around the world.

We have said from day one that 2CAudio's focus is on spatial processing and advanced creative effects. Today we are ready to share with you the second half of that vision, and begin our journey to attempt to revolutionize the creative effects and sound-design market. Today we are proud to share with you Kaleidoscope. It's a trip!



Kaleidoscope is the ultimate sound-design tool and creative effects toy! It is an entirely new class of visual audio effects processors and is one of the most unique generative signal processing tools to come to market in recent history. Technically speaking, Kaleidoscope is a massively parallel bank of physically modeled resonators that can be tuned completely arbitrarily with scientific precision and dynamically modulated over time by over two million points of automation. In simplistic terms, Kaleidoscope uses pictures to control sound!

Kaleidoscope is both an effects processor as well as a content generator, meaning that it is possible to synthesize completely new sounds without any input sound or MIDI performance data as well as to transform incoming audio signals in other-worldly manners. Music is organized sound. The organization occurs in two axes: time and frequency. Kaleidoscope is a tool that offers ultimate control over musical organization in both of these domains and adds a third axis of creative control we like to call spatial choreography. It is designed with one goal in mind: to inspire and invigorate composers, sound-designers, and artists to push the boundaries of what is possible in cutting edge sound-design. Some of its most common applications are:

• Custom Sound Design for Film, Television, Games and Electronic Music
• Scoring for Film, Television & Games
• Special Effects Processing & Generation
• Algorithmic Composition & Inspiration
• Ambient Music Generation
• Dynamic Filter Effects
• Extreme Nano Textural Effects
• Dynamic Resonator Effects
• Additive Synthesis
• Vocoder-like Effects
• Rhythmic Filtering & Synth Patterns
• Morphing Delay Effects
• Extreme Spatialization & FIRs
• Automated Volume & Panning
• Harmonic & Tonal Reverb
• Granular Effects
• Academic & Scientific Research into Sound and New Music

Kaleidoscope is an incredibly deep product. We encourage you to read more about it on the web listing and in the manual. Demo versions are available immediately and video demonstrations will be available shortly to help explain the incredible depth of this innovative product.


OSX Support: AU, VST, AAX 64/32-bit
Windows Support: VST, AAX 64/32-bit

Kaleidoscope contains:
• 2,477 Total Files
• 1,166 Presets
• 945 Images
• 254 Scales
• 92 Waveforms

Two add-ons are available for Kaleidoscope:

Architecture Volume 01 KS contains:
• 14,059 Total Files
• 7,696 Images
• 4,545 Scales
• 1,818 Waveforms

Architecture Volume 01 KS is highly recommend and offered as a bundle with Kaleidoscope.

Architecture Waveforms 2010 contains 25,724 Waveforms that can used with Kaleidoscope to explore unlimited experimental tonalities. The 64-bit Wav format is required for use with Kaleidoscope.


pricing is:

$249.95: Kaleidoscope
$324.95: Kaleidoscope & Architecture Volume 01 KS add-on

Order Link:
http://www.galbanum.com/shop/product_in ... cts_id=114

Kaleidoscope Technical Brief

Kaleidoscope uses pictures to control sound. A single Kaleidoscope instance uses two independant Image Maps to provide over two million points of stereo automation data, which can create incredibly intricate performances that evolve in time, frequency and space.

Timing can be synched to the host and is sample-accurate for all cases. It may also be set in absolute time in seconds or Hertz, or even in musical note values. An Image Map can be set to have any desired duration: it could represent a 16th note or less, a one measure loop -- providing 1/1024th note timing resolution -- or an entire twenty minute song. The timing of each of the two Image Maps can be independently set to establish evolving patterns and polyrhythmic structures that generate incredibly novel and interesting results unlike anything heard ever before.

Vertically each row in an Image Map represents a different voice or note. Technically each row represents an independant physically modeled resonator that can be tuned with scientific precision to any possible frequency from 0.125 to 32,768 Hertz to create any conceivable composite tonality.

Kaleidoscope offers two primary types of resonators, Strings and Springs, as well as a special FIR mode for granular delay effects.

String resonators can be used with traditional musical tunings to produce dynamic, musically-tonal performances that are controlled by the incoming audio signal such as a drum loop or a vocal. Stings can also be used with extremely low frequency tunings to produce complex delay effects.

Spring resonators can be tuned to match the measured resonant frequencies of physical objects for sound-design purposes, tuned to a particular chord and all of its harmonics to create a moody drone suitable for ambient music or film scores, or any other limitless tuning possibility. Spring resonators produce exponentially decaying sine waves. Summing them together at different frequencies and time varying amounts can effectively model anything and everything via a special form of additive synthesis. Kaleidoscope's internal white noise generator can be feed into its resonators to synthesize completely new sounds in this manner.

Kaleidoscope offers tens of thousands of different tonalities to choose from. Musical tunings include:

• 7 Tone scales and modes
• 5 Tone pentatonic scales
• 3, 4, 5 and more note chords
• Various harmonic series tunings
• Non-Western scales from ethnomusicology

Additionally and perhaps even more importantly to sound-designers for visual media, Kaleidoscope is not only concerned with “musical” sound. It is concerned with ALL sound. Reference tuning may also be set in:

• Absolute Hertz
• Period in Seconds
• Size in Meters
• BPM Sync

Finally standard WAV format waveforms, such as Galbanum Architecture Waveforms, may be used to function as tuning maps to offer completely uncharted areas of experimental tonality appropriate for sound-design uses. Kaleidoscope offers the most extensive tonality system of any tool on the market that we are aware of.

In summary the sound Kaleidoscope produces is a complex interaction of the characteristics of the input signal, the resonator settings, the current tonality or tuning, the visual performance data in two independant Image Maps, and the timing for each. It offers the ultimate control over the organization of sound in time, frequency, and space and can produce an entire universe of new forms of music and utterly unique sound-design.


To get sound you need to:

0) Load Kaleidoscope -- it is found under effects NOT instruments.
1) Make sure Demo is still active if using Demo
2) Link to the Resource Library
3) Load a preset. You should see an image in the image display area, NOT a completely black area.
4) Feed KS some input signal, or set white to 200% and lock.
5) Start playback in host (if Phase Lock is set to "To Host" as is the default -- if set to "Internal" the clock will be free-running, always on)


Kaleidoscope employs a lot of new technology including variable buffer size and variable multi-threading schemes. It has been in beta testing since August of 2014, but only in the wild for a few days now with thousands of people now trying the demo. Any and all minor issues found in the next few weeks will be thoroughly explored and fixed. We appreciate any and all feedback and are always listening. The introductory pricing offer is longer than usual to be sure everyone gets a fair chance to explore it. Minor hot fixes, etc. will be supplied as needed. We are exploring some additional CPU optimizations as well. Thanks for all of your support!!



PLEASE NO PMs via forum. I won't be able to respond in a timely manner... send email if needed.
Last edited by Andrew Souter on Wed Feb 21, 2018 5:00 pm, edited 31 times in total.


will the stuff that follows include a purchase link?


What is this? Some kind of a clue / sneak peek on a new effect coming up or something?


first three responses get it free right? :ud:



Re: 2CAudio .... (reserved)....
oiduAC2 .... (reversed)....

Neon Breath wrote:What is this? Some kind of a clue / sneak peek on a new effect coming up or something?
Maybe it's the "guess who bought Camel Audio?!" announcement?
Logic Pro | PolyBrute | MatrixBrute | MiniFreak | Prophet 6 | Trigon 6 | OB-6 | Rev2 | Pro 3 | SE-1X | Polar TI2 | Blofeld | RYTMmk2 | Digitone | Syntakt | Digitakt | Integra-7 | TR-8S | MPC One | TD-3 MO


01001001 01110100 00100111 01110011 00100000 01100011 01100001 01101100 01101100 01100101 01100100 00100000 00100010 01000100 01100001 01101001 01110011 01111001 00101110 00100010




Looks great. Downloading demo now...


looks nice but boy it's expensive... gonna have to try the demo.
I don't know what to write here that won't be censored, as I can only speak in profanity.


Hmmmm, neat concept, but seems very...ambient niche-y? I wonder how useful it will be for music that doesn't make me sleepy.
Logic Pro | PolyBrute | MatrixBrute | MiniFreak | Prophet 6 | Trigon 6 | OB-6 | Rev2 | Pro 3 | SE-1X | Polar TI2 | Blofeld | RYTMmk2 | Digitone | Syntakt | Digitakt | Integra-7 | TR-8S | MPC One | TD-3 MO


Wow - no brainer for me


VitaminD wrote:first three responses get it free right? :ud:

Crickets... only Crickets.. :ud:


The store is only giving me an option for Mac or Windows - normally you can add both (for all my other 2C products I've been able to). I hope that's not intentional - at this price it should include both platforms.


:party: :tu: :phones: :hail: :band2: :harp:

Congrats, Andrew - you finally made it!


Pricey, but sounds really interesting!

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