Problem with Multi Channel Wave File - Channel 3 is not Played

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I have used Cantabile Performer for many years on a old Toshiba Laptop (Windows 7) and a Focusrite Saffire 6 Four Channel USB Interface.

I am migrating to a new HP Laptop (Windows 8 x64), using the same interface as above and I have a problem.

I have quad channel audio files being played back (along with MIDI), set up as follows
  • CH1 Front of House Audio Left
  • CH2 Front of House Audio Right
  • CH3 Click Track for me (when I need it)
  • CH4 Click Track To Drummer
This works fine on the Toshiba laptop, but when I migrate the data to the HP laptop, instead of the intended track on CH3 I get one of the front of house audio tracks. So Channels 1, 2, 4 are fine, but Channel 3 is wrong. This is true for the wav files for all of the different songs in the Cantabile file, which is copied over from the Toshiba laptop (along with all the media files) with no changes.

I've checked the audio config and can't see anything wrong. If I play the file in Windows Media Player, I can hear all four channels being played correctly.

I've also tried deleting the config file under APPData/Roaming as well as copying the config file from the Toshiba and I have the same results all around.

The Toshiba was using V1.9 of the Focusrite drivers, and the HP did have the latest V1.10 drivers, but I removed the 1.10 drivers and loaded the 1.9 drivers on the HP, which made no difference.

I do have a work around in that I can export the CH3 click to a mono WAV and have that as a media file playing back in sync with the main WAV, but given that four channel WAVs work fine on the Toshiba, I'd like to sort this problem!

Right now I'm stumped, and would be grateful for any ideas.


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