energyXT 2.7 VST and VSTi in 64 bit?

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I have not used energyXT for a while.

Downloaded and installed V2.7.
The Stand alone seems it is 32bit.
No problem here except I cannot find the VST and VSTi
and hope that they are 64bit. Are they?
If so where does one download this files

The LM sample zip file unzipped ok but the LM
got error message on two separate downloaded files.

I wonder if energyXT is worth the trouble.



I found the VST and VSTi
Did not sate 32 or 64 bit so
I assumed it was 32 bit and
it works.

I previous versions there
were 64 bit VST and VSTi's.
No more?

I am now in Studio One V3
which does not have a native
bit bridge. Yes there is jBridge.
Most of my VST's are only 64 bit
as I have avoided installing the
32 bit versions. Looks like I should
have installed both 32 and 64 bit.

So I am a bit disappointed?
perhaps a Verion 3 may fix things?


Nothing will get fixed, VSTs have not been updated for a long time, as far as anybody knows EXT is done and dusted, it is going to shareware which basically means it is finished.
Jorge is something of a joke nowadays, not only with his users but also in the audio industry in general, he even messed Behringer about, and that is scraping the barrel :(


There has never been a 64 bit version of energyXT VST/i.
Current VST/i are of version 2.6 and are 32 bit as the standalone.
So no luck with 64 bit plugins except perhaps with using a bridge.
Or using their 32 bit counterparts which I think should always be available (I'm not aware of any VST plugins that come in 64 bit only)
Other than that one still may like the workflow of energyXT, but one doesn't have to expect further development and bugfixing.


bungle and ZonderP thanks for the informative response.

Really too bad about the demise of energyXT.
I did a restore point prior to installing energyXT
and then did a system restore.

EnergyXT gone! :( :( :(

Too bad as I did like the modular environment
and workflow.

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