Lend me a hand - logic

Audio Plugin Hosts and other audio software applications discussion
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I have logic 5.5 and a behringer mixer. I am trying work my mixer to control the software (per fader hardware to per fader sofware) through the environment in Logic. Does anyone have anything close to what I am trying to do or a preset that I can use. My software is reading the midi notes when I move the faders, but not channel track for channel track. It is like its stuck in some type of default midi mode (controller 7 - operates volume, controller 8 - operates the pan etc...)



I dont know if this funktions right...maybe you will test if your logic setup does the same ..it wold be a great help

I have a automation track with no automation yet.

I change the mode to touch....i draws what I touch but when I take my finger of the mouse I goes back to the start position....

also even if the is no automation data
Is this how it should work or have i made a wrong setup..maybe I changed something???

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