WIP Jejune (melodic progressive)

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... melodic progressive track :phones: any feedback/comments appreciated

Cheers & thanx for listening


I like the overall aproach. However, the intro - or the build up of the main elements - is too long imo. Although you did put in some variations i didn't found it that interesting.
2:24 Is when i really started to like the song, but sadly it was a very short part. The variation of that dreamy and catchy melody right after the following calm really got me out of the song, it sounded too 'random' at some few notes. The awesome main hook returned but again was too short for my taste. It has such a nice vibe, and it progresses well into the end of the song.
That hook part could have gone on and on, however the drums are not involved into the progression enough in my opinion, especially at the first wave. They also get a bit drawn out. Listening to your other songs i'd say you could work more on drums in gereneal, although i very much like your supporting rhythm elements. But the primary beat often felt somewhat 'forgotten'.
The low frequenzy spectrum was a bit overcrowded for most of the song, but somehow worked well on the last part. Its were that simple 'thin' bass line really 'shines through'. It sounds a bit copy-paste outside of that though.
The sound is mellow and fits the theme perfectly. The compression is too noticable at certain places though. Maybe some more subtle focus switchings via automation could make a huge difference here. The fades and transitions between the segments were a bit standart at times but very well done.

I enjoyed your song, keep it going!


Nubm wrote:I like the overall aproach. However, the intro - or the build up of the main elements - is too long imo. Although you did put in some variations i didn't found it that interesting.
2:24 Is when i really started to like the song, but sadly it was a very short part. The variation of that dreamy and catchy melody right after the following calm really got me out of the song, it sounded too 'random' at some few notes. The awesome main hook returned but again was too short for my taste. It has such a nice vibe, and it progresses well into the end of the song.
That hook part could have gone on and on, however the drums are not involved into the progression enough in my opinion, especially at the first wave. They also get a bit drawn out. Listening to your other songs i'd say you could work more on drums in gereneal, although i very much like your supporting rhythm elements. But the primary beat often felt somewhat 'forgotten'.
The low frequenzy spectrum was a bit overcrowded for most of the song, but somehow worked well on the last part. Its were that simple 'thin' bass line really 'shines through'. It sounds a bit copy-paste outside of that though.
The sound is mellow and fits the theme perfectly. The compression is too noticable at certain places though. Maybe some more subtle focus switchings via automation could make a huge difference here. The fades and transitions between the segments were a bit standart at times but very well done.

I enjoyed your song, keep it going!
Hey Nubm,

I appreciate your comments. I'll take them in consideration. Thanx. Drum programming is my shortcoming. Though, I used to dj I just cannot get my drums right.

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