Small bug (actually two) when playing notes at minimum velocity

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To notice this you must play a sample with fast attack, like a percussion or plucked instrument, in a region set to 0ms attack time. If you play it with a fast velocity it will sound perfectly but if you play it as soft as you can you will hear an extremely short click. It seems as if the sample is played back loud for a few milliseconds until the sampler realizes it has been played at a low velocity and then the volume is lowered.

The workaround I have found is in the AEG window if you pull the attack rate on the envelope ever so slightly to the right, just enough to bend the line a little bit you effectively get rid of the click.

This method has brought me to a second small bug though. Despite the fact that you can now see a slight curve in the attack rate and that the click has gone away (meaning that we did actually introduce some attack time) the attack rate display below the knob strangely still shows 0ms.

I hope you understand I am not complaining. These are two very small bugs and I could easily live with them. I am extremely happy to see the latest updates which have addressed some of the more serious issues I had with the new v3 and I am just trying to pitch in to make it even better.


Right, I think I know what is wrong. The amp lpf smoother does not take velocity into account when setting initial value, resulting in ~50 samples or so going from 1->actual amp start. Borked. Easy fix.

The display stuff is because you are actually setting it to sub-millisecond time, and the display only shows full millis. This came out of a long discussion about number presentation during the beta, but I'm beginning to disagree with the result again.
TX16Wx Software Sampler:


Fixed in 3.0.14b
TX16Wx Software Sampler:

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