No Output From Shreddage 3 on Midi Change

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Greetings everyone,

Just joined this forum, looks like there's a lot of good folks that wanna help others, so I wanted to give it a try.

I've installed Shreddage 3 Precision Free pack because I wanted to hear how it sounds, and also the
Stratus one, but I'm experiencing troubles getting it to work properly. I've been using it with OMB 11 - and when playing a style the instrument works alright. After I change to another style, it somehow resets and stops and I have to turn the volume knob (the one above tuning) just a bit and it works again until I change the style. Now, I guess the most logical way would be to check OMB 11 and the style first, which I did, and I found no problems at their side (it works just fine with any of hundreds of instruments I have installed).

I've never experienced a similar problem, and I'm not sure what to do. Once again, it stops (but still receives midi messages with no sound output) until i touch the volume knob (literally touch it).

Anyone got any idea what might be going on here?

Thanks in advance,


Not the most thorough answer ever, but have you checked contact's midi settings? Also, can you link some screenshots of each window of stratus in your DAW in case anything is wrong?


When you open that Kontakt instance in OMB 11, click the wrench button on Precision Free instrument you've loaded, then go Instrument Options>Controller, and make sure Accept standard controllers for Volume and Pan is disabled.

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