MS20 / PS-20 in modular form with presets

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Hi there, new to the CA game, so forgive me if the question is probably too noob or dumb: but... with the separate AU plug ins being more or less fully available as modules in Voltage Modular, is there a way to import / get their presets into VM? I prefer the VM versions due to their flexibility, but would love to have 'the best of both worlds' and have the full instruments in VM, too (i.e. as patched modular versions), including their presets (and yes, I know I could buy the plug ins as well to support CA, but I already sunk hundreds of $$$ in a shopping spree after getting slightly addicted to VM... yeah, I know, welcome to the club... and again, I prefer the flexibility of modular).


AFAIK (and I would love to be proven wrong here) The short answer would be: Nope :/

...but, as you can imagine, one can always try to recreate them manually in VM, by "building" a similar setup of modules.


Yeah, that's the answer I feared... If anybody has already built a MS20/PS20 replica in VM, how about sharing the preset? :-) If not, will do some patching then. Could be fun, anyway.


And as the demo version of PS-20 is very generous, you could call up a preset in PS-20 and then recreate with the MS-20 modules and compare and share...

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