what happened to the hosted vst downloads?

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the page design has changed since i last kept track of anything, and i'm wondering where the downloads for my vst have disappeared to.

i've now observed that at least one of my vst is still available for download - bong has a "downloads" link in blue text under the green "free" graphic at the top right.

but all the other vst i've checked that used to have hosted downloads do not have such a link eg.

can you or we restore downloads for these items?

for that matter, can we restore my developer forum status from "archived forums" to active? my first vst was released here 19 years ago, i might take a break or have been pessimistic about the prospect of future releases, but i still have all my fingers and an open dance card :)

you come and go, you come and go. amitabha neither a follower nor a leader be tagore "where roads are made i lose my way" where there is certainty, consideration is absent.


for this matter,

you ought to track down whichever personnel made the decision to move my forum to a less noticeable location and remove their administrative ability, as they're not doing the cause of virtual studio technology any good really are they.

tbh, i think my forum was already in that location when i released my last few vst in 2018 and 2019.
you come and go, you come and go. amitabha neither a follower nor a leader be tagore "where roads are made i lose my way" where there is certainty, consideration is absent.


it's not important?

what am i supposed to do to reinstate the product downloads for the products where the download has disappeared?
eg. https://www.kvraudio.com/product/angle-by-xoxos

i understand that i can only be grateful for what you have chosen to offer at some point in time, are you seriously communicating that someone there is selecting forums to archive and products to remove?

if i reload all of the product files, is someone going to remove them again? or is there some criteria that has caused these ones to disappear?
you come and go, you come and go. amitabha neither a follower nor a leader be tagore "where roads are made i lose my way" where there is certainty, consideration is absent.


Bump. I can still see downloads for a few things (Bong, Explodelay, Float, Ideal, Radian, Water, a few others). But not Angle, Outer, Piamo, a bunch of others. Some pages redirect to xoxos.net which no longer has any downloads, while others seem to be entirely missing. It looks like Sounds of Nature won the KVR developer challenge in its day, so it's a shame if that can't be downloaded anywhere.


it also sucks when i'm talking about oscillator development but can't give a reference to the process. i've posted this topic in the development forum where it has been equally ignored for weeks now.

as said, i understand we're all here with the blessing of the lord of kvr whoever that is now, and we're grateful, but pull your fingers out bros, this is plugins.

you need to:

(1) post a word to let me know it's alright to reinstate my downloads personally if you can't see to do it yourself

(2) figure out why some of my vst have had their downloads removed and solve the problem of how that happened, possibly by dragging one of your boys into the street and whipping they ass. because that's some petty f**king bullshit and i'm supposed to act cordial while it's perpetrated.

this is fool central as usual. whoever the fool is is going to get their turn on the sit n spin, take your sweet time holmes. wear your big boy pants in case it chafes going round and round.
you come and go, you come and go. amitabha neither a follower nor a leader be tagore "where roads are made i lose my way" where there is certainty, consideration is absent.


You're so f**king charming rurik, how can I resist you.

Nobody removed your downloads. The only thing I did back in 2019 was remove all links to xoxos.net because you lost control of it and it no longer hosts your plug-ins (even though they still list them).

You are an admin for xoxos at KVR so can manage you files and allocations at https://www.kvraudio.com/z/dashboard/xo ... _used_by=1


I've reinstated your forum to the main company forums section.


say thank you to the nice man rurik!

fwiw ben, thanks :)


well somebody or something bloody did

one of several where the download is now absent.

thanks then, with your word i can fix them with assurance. i don't know what kind of crew you've got.

it's a tough world Ben, i had to spend a couple minutes offering to eviscerate my irrigator with a chainsaw last year just to get reasonable behaviour out of him.

magic moments filled with love.

thanks for moving my forum back.

(and for anyone that worries about chainsaw violence, about any saw can be instantaneously decommissioned with a plastic shopping bag)
you come and go, you come and go. amitabha neither a follower nor a leader be tagore "where roads are made i lose my way" where there is certainty, consideration is absent.


Thanks for the chainsaw tip. Here's hoping I never need it.


ahanysz wrote: Sat Nov 20, 2021 11:07 pm Thanks for the chainsaw tip. Here's hoping I never need it.
works for grizzly bears too :)

(it doesn't really, but will at least give you a distraction as you get the bag ready, taking your mind off the imminent death)


Ben [KVR] wrote: Fri Nov 19, 2021 2:58 pm I've reinstated your forum to the main company forums section.
Dear Ben,

this month marks TWENTY YEARS since my kvraudio membership was created. during that time i've pegged 1st place in the 2nd DC, i think i have over seventy items in the database (of a few hundred releases). two decades exhibits some level of commitment or at least interest in both you and i.

last year i was issued a ban which expired on christmas for using the word retarded.

i don't know how to find my old posts with the new format but i didn't direct the word at anything living.

the first time i used the word, i received a private message from Hink, informing me that "retarded" is a "hate word". i ignored this message because i didn't realise you had made someone with the EQ of breakfast cereal a moderator. shortly afterwards i was banned for using an common english adjective part of my language for the last fifty odd years.

silencing someone is a hate action holmes. saying it's retarded to eg. log in 2x in a session, or it's retarded to have to reinitialise your tire gauge each week, isn't a f**king crime.

i wouldn't mind to continue to use kvr and to continue to publish audio softare and resources where they may be observed, i sort of see kvr as the proper (organised) place to do that.

but i cannot put up with that shit. i'm a software developer not a fuckwit. this site needs to issue an apology and remove that person's ability to moderate anyone who was a member before they gained moderation. anyone who can walk upright. jesus ben wtf holmes. if i can't use the word, fix it in the post protocol. put a list somewhere or a link to the government list of hate words so people can check there every f**king time before they say something.
you come and go, you come and go. amitabha neither a follower nor a leader be tagore "where roads are made i lose my way" where there is certainty, consideration is absent.


Maybe it wasn't for the word "retarded", but for your charming personality.


xoxos wrote: Sun Apr 03, 2022 11:49 am i'm a software developer not a fuckwit.


xoxos wrote: Sun Apr 03, 2022 11:49 am
Ben [KVR] wrote: Fri Nov 19, 2021 2:58 pm I've reinstated your forum to the main company forums section.
Dear Ben,

this month marks TWENTY YEARS since my kvraudio membership was created. during that time i've pegged 1st place in the 2nd DC, i think i have over seventy items in the database (of a few hundred releases). two decades exhibits some level of commitment or at least interest in both you and i.

last year i was issued a ban which expired on christmas for using the word retarded.

i don't know how to find my old posts with the new format but i didn't direct the word at anything living.

the first time i used the word, i received a private message from Hink, informing me that "retarded" is a "hate word". i ignored this message because i didn't realise you had made someone with the EQ of breakfast cereal a moderator. shortly afterwards i was banned for using an common english adjective part of my language for the last fifty odd years.

silencing someone is a hate action holmes. saying it's retarded to eg. log in 2x in a session, or it's retarded to have to reinitialise your tire gauge each week, isn't a f**king crime.

i wouldn't mind to continue to use kvr and to continue to publish audio softare and resources where they may be observed, i sort of see kvr as the proper (organised) place to do that.

but i cannot put up with that shit. i'm a software developer not a fuckwit. this site needs to issue an apology and remove that person's ability to moderate anyone who was a member before they gained moderation. anyone who can walk upright. jesus ben wtf holmes. if i can't use the word, fix it in the post protocol. put a list somewhere or a link to the government list of hate words so people can check there every f**king time before they say something.
Ben is going to have to unban you...you were suspended because of the same attitude here calling me names...so I am booting you now and let Ben sort it...but hopefully it is obvious you create your own issues
The highest form of knowledge is empathy, for it requires us to suspend our egos and live in another's world. It requires profound, purpose‐larger‐than‐the‐self kind of understanding.


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