Architect FR: MIDI Pool

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A couple of suggestions for MIDI Pool:

I'm trying to build a retrospective MIDI capture tool in Architect - something that records all MIDI input in the background regardless of DAW Record/Playback state, allowing you to "fish out" the archived captures to place in the DAW arrangement/clip banks, for those times when you play something on-the-fly you like but didn't start DAW recording..

Many DAWs provide this facility, but my DAW of choice - Bitwig - doesn't

Architect seems to be the perfect platform to build this on (there are no purpose-built commercial plugins that I could find, at least on Windows) - and I have the beginnings of the tool already built

A couple of enhancements to MIDI Pool would be super nice to have to make this more usable:
  • Reverse ordering of created clips in the MIDI Pool i.e. newest at top (makes it easier to drag out the most recent captures)
  • A limit to stored clips, with FIFO logic (to prevent too many clips from building up)
Any thoughts?


Good suggestions. The first one, adding sorting, is trivial to implement, so I'll definitely get that sorted for the next update.

I'm not sure how best I could implement the second suggestion. So far, I've tried to avoid having Architect delete things "behind the scenes" a,s I generally find such things can be a little confusing to the user, who may wonder where their recordings have gone. So I've been brainstorming a few ideas, and, based on what other people want from the MIDI pool too, maybe the best solution would be to allow MIDI pool data to be enumerated and deleted directly from the graph. That way, you could build a simple graph that essentially deleted older MIDI recordings when the MIDI pool exceeded some specific capacity.
Architect, the modular MIDI toolkit, beta now available for macOS, Windows, and Linux.



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