How do sample file paths work on Mac?

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I'm fixing some bugs with my drum sample library, Luminous Drums, and I need to make sure the TXPROG files work on Mac. The file path is in the following format:
Do I need to change "C" to "Macintosh HD"?


If you want sample paths to work across different machines, let alone different operating systems, try to keep the paths relative. I.e. store samples and programs in a hierarchy where the path to the sample is relative from the program;

<SomePath>/MyProgram.txprog -> refs sample "Samples/MySample.wav"

Saving using "copy content" will help you build such structures. Of course at the expense of potentially duplicating samples.

If you want to reference samples in a folder tree outside your programs tree, a good approach is to use "places", i.e. set the parent folder of your sample library as a favourite in the TX file browser (or manually in settings->places). Combine with "use places" in settings, and when storing anything referencing files under such a "place", a relative path from there will be used.
On a different machine (and different file system, such as win/mac), you can keep a copy of the sample library, set a place referencing it in TX settings, and now loading programs created on either machine can resolve the sample paths.
TX16Wx Software Sampler:


Because of the way the samples are organized, it's easier to just make a set of TXPROG files for Mac. Is this the correct format if the user creates a Luminous folder on the Macintosh HD?
<tx:wave tx:path="Macintosh HD/Luminous/sample folder/file name.flac"


I got relative paths working. Thanks for the help!
I wanted to put the presets in Luminous/presets and the samples in Luminous/close and Luminous/room, so I used ".." to go up one level.
<tx:wave tx:path="file:///C:/Luminous/close/sample.flac"
is changed to
<tx:wave tx:path="file://../close/sample.flac"

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