Linnstrument + Animoog Z - per-note pitch bends and Y axis?

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Hi. I have recently obtained a Linnstrument 128 and Animoog Z for the ipad. I thought that it would be a great synth for Linnstrument because the sounds it produces are very pleasant and because it was listed as MPE-compatible on the website of Linnstrument. However, it appears that Animoog Z doesn't support per-note pitch bends and per-note Y axis adjustment. If I start playing two notes at the same time and then bend them in different directions, the pitch bend wheel in the bottom left jumps chaotically between negative and positive values, and so both notes bend the same amount, and there is chaotic jumping between the positive and the negative bend value. The same goes for the Y axis - I can configure Animoog Z to have the Y axis (through CC1) control the "mod wheel" and have the mod wheel control either frequency filter or thickening or whatever, but then there is only one mod wheel for all notes, I can't play different notes with different Y axis positions at the same time. Is this so, or did I miss some important configuration in Animoog Z?


Hi phi,

Thank you for buying a LinnStrument 128.

Just set both LinnStrument and the Moog synth to MPE and all will be well. On LinnStrument, in Per-Split Settings, MIDI mode column, HOLD the ChPerNote button for a second. On Animoog, follow the instructions for that app on the Recommended Sounds page for setting MPE, or the AniMoog documentation.

As you’re new to LinnStrument, the Getting Started page is a helpful introduction to some basic operation like the above.


Hi Roger,

Indeed, it works after all, thank you. The key thing was to change the input channel in Animoog Z from "OMNI" to "MPE". Now I can set the pressure and the Y axis to whatever I want in the "MOD" menu and it works per-note.

>On Animoog, follow the instructions for that app on the Recommended Sounds page for setting MPE, or the AniMoog documentation.

The Recommended Sounds page has no instructions for Animoog Z.


Sorry about that. With so many MPE synths now, I’ve fallen behind on updating the MPE listing. I’m glad you were able to figure it out.

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