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RS-Met updates Straightliner to v0.7


RS-Met has updated Straightliner (public beta/demo) to version 0.7.


  • Sustain now works correctly.
  • Info-field at the bottom replaces popup help.
  • Detuning in Hz per oscillator.
  • More filter types implemented.
  • Some efficiency optimizations in the DSP and GUI code.
  • Support of microtuning (this implementation is preliminary as it supports only a proprietary XML based tuning file format, .tun support is scheduled for the final version).
  • More presets, more waveforms (which are now released under the terms of the creative commons license - see sample folder for details).
  • XML patch format changed: The former 'MakeUp' parameter for the Moogish Lowpass was replaced by 'MakeUpByGain' because a new 'MakeUpBoost' parameter was introduced (this new parameters compensates for low frequency losses at high resonance by means of a low boost shelving filter before the overall make-up gain takes place, leading to a less distorted and sometimes fatter sound).

Note 1: The change in the patch format will break preset compatibility to earlier versions. To make the preset (or a state recalled by the host) sound as before, you will need to manually adjust the MakeUp-Gain parameter - otherwise, the old preset will usually sound weaker/thinner than before.

Note 2: Because this beta (which is to be considered as demo version) is already pretty close to the final release version, demo-restrictions were introduced. These are:

  • After 20 minutes of use, the output is muted - you need to reload the plugin to get sound out of it again.
  • Total recall (state saving/restoring) by the host is disabled (but the internal preset management is fully functional).


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