Is it 100% compatible with FL Studio 8.0.2

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Hello, I downloaded your manual from your webside and there I found some chosen passages with instructions how to use LiveSlice in Hosts like Reaper, Cubase, ACID ... but nothing about FL Studio.

So my first question is, does it mean that there are no problems in FL Studio or is it not tested? :D

I know there is a demo, too and I can test it myself, but I must ask anyway because I'm searching for a really detailed BeatSlicer which works also in hard situations and before I start a big test myself about many hours, I need some basic informations. I'm using Slicex in FL Studio, Recycle and Melodyne Studio 3 and all of this tools have some great features but if I put some straight minimal or electro Drum-Loops in them, it's mostly a hard work to get a crazy 120 BPM Electro Loop to 130 BPM for example without clicks ... So, how detailed is the algorithm of LiveSlice. Is it possible to make fine tuning fast and detailed or is it just like many other Slicer-Tools, which can stretch a standard Trance Beat in one minute without problems or clicks and a minimal beat in many hours handwork :D

Thank you for answer and sorry my english is not the best because I'm from germany


Just to clarify: LiveSlice is 100% compatible with FL Studio. I'm unaware of any incompatibilities with any host actually, and I've made workarounds for any quirks I've encountered in hosts so far. - slice up your life


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