Soniccouture font?

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Hello guys!

I'd like to know, if at all possible, which font did you use to create your logo?



it's Zero Twos, but the recent versions of the logo have been tweaked by a typo-ninja, who built us a new 'E' and added some other subtle detailing.


Thank you VERY much! Who's that typo-ninja guy? :D


if you really want his details, feel free to PM me.


Actually, I'd just like the tweaked font (the original is free as far as I can see) so I can make custom Kontakt Libraries tab wallpapers (there's a registry tweak which makes possible for non-Kontakt Player libraries to show in Libraries tab, so...) ;)

BTW you make some GREAT and AMAZING stuff, and scripts especially!


it's not a tweaked font, it's just the logo that's tweaked.

by 'regsitry tweak' do you mean just putting our libraries inside other folders that already show in the libraries tab ( which works) or is there something more in depth?

i'm happy to make a graphic for anyone that wants to do this to use..


Nope, the "registry tweak" is using this method (I hope NI won't get pissed XD):

1. Open Regedit

2. Navigate to: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Native Instruments\Content"

3. Right click and add a new "String" value. Give it a name, it has to be in form "k2libxxxx", where xxxx is any 4 digit number BELOW 5000. Double-click on the string value, and enter the name of the library you want to show, for example "Soniccouture Scriptorium".

4. Navigate to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Native Instruments".

5. Right click on this folder and select "Create New Key". It is important that the name of the new key in the this branch is the same as the name/value entered in step 3., so in this example it would be "Soniccouture Scriptorium" as well.

6. Select this newly created branch, and right click to add two more values inside of it.

7. The first value is "String" value, and it must be called ContentDir. Double click on it when you create it, and enter the path to the library on your hard drive. If the library is organized so that each have two starting folders, "Instruments" and "Multis", those folders will be shown on Libraries tab as it's normally shown in registered libraries. Also, if you put any PDF or TXT files inside Documentation folder, they will be shown as well. For example, the ContentDir could look something like this:


8. The second value is "DWORD" value, it must be called Visibility. Double click on it when you create it, and set its value to 3.

Adding the wallpaper.png to the path used in step 7. will also make the new "faked" library tab more visually appealing. :)

I have already made some graphics for other libraries that I have, and I tried using some of your images from the site, but them being of raster nature, don't resize well. That's why I asked for a font, which is vector and can be resized well.

Well, take a look on what I did (sorry for doing it without permission):



SonicCouture Stickers and T-Shirts!

I've mailed you guys before directly about this so sorry to reiterate but I just joined the forum so thought I'd try to get a chorus of dudes behind me ha ha. I'm in the "I worship SonicCouture" group as you guys simply make the coolest instruments available in my opinion. I make videos for youtube, vimeo, etc, and want to represent! Been talking to some guys at Korg as I feel they do the same in terms of hardware.

Hope to see some stuff available in 2010! It will suck as I'll have to order it from Japan, but keep up the great work and thanks a million for helping me create the music I never could have without your great products!

-Long time, slightly over the top customer :D


we do have a load of stickers of our logo, we'll be sending them out with disc orders, if we remember to!

T shirts are also on the to-do list, and will happen in the end.


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