Rust update?

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What I love about your company is that not only do you produce great new products, but your continuing to update your older products as well. WAY COOL!! Another great example is Drumcore 2.0!!

Are there any plans for Rust V1 & 2 to get 2.0 updates? Thanks again for the AWESOME products!! If one day I wind the lottery or strike it big in vegas I'll be buying all your stuff!! :) Keep up the great work!!
My progressive rock band - free demos here!! (and if you do listen please let me know what you think!)


Yup, we're already working on full updates to both Rust 1 and 2. Look for those coming up within the next few months.


Looks like Rust 1.0 v2 is out now. Im an existing owner of the original, should I have received an email telling us how we can upgrade?
my other modular synth is a bugbrand


the update emails are going out automatically today, so stay tuned for yours if you're a current Rust 1 owner.

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