AGL :How do I start always in Finger and not Strummer ?

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UncleEti wrote: I taught myself (with forum and stuff) in Midi music, and I did not understand this part :Strummer Toggle (OFF = Vel. 1-63, ON = Vel. 64-127). Thank you, it's more clear, now.
This is akin to the sustain pedal [and other pedals] for digital piano/keyboards.

Like Note On/Note Off messages for each key, the pedal sends Vel=0-63 Sustain Pedal Off; Vel=64-127 Sustain Pedal On.

So the same format seems to be used here to toggle Strummer.


Ah ok, I thought it was a "foot-modulation" pedal.
Then, since I am not a keyboard player, I don't really need that, I see. thanks

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