TDR Feedback Compressor II nominated for SOS awards!

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Proximity TDR Feedback Compressor II


I'm really excited about it, maybe you guys can help me with undemocratic behaviour? ;)

It's listed under category "5. Plug-in: Processing" beside seriously hyped software products from some big players.

Oh and don't forget you can still vote for our products in the KVR Reader' Choice Awards over here:

Our feedback compressor is already listed under:

- "Best Dynamics Effect Plug-in"
- "Best Mastering Effect Plug-in"

Many thanks to anyone who already voted!
Fabien from Tokyo Dawn Records

Check out my audio processors over at the Tokyo Dawn Labs!


It's not hard to vote for Feedback Compressor II, it's awesome!

Can't wait for the GE edition.. It's time you get some money from us! :)
Analog Fusion - 99 Studio Electronics SE-3X presets
Analog Wonders - 100 Behringer Pro-800 presets
Earth & Stars - 139 Free Patches for SuperMassive


solidtrax wrote:It's not hard to vote for Feedback Compressor II, it's awesome!

Can't wait for the GE edition.. It's time you get some money from us! :)

Yes! Both Vlad and me working hard these days to make it happen! :) (sadly, we're both IT feelancer and companies tend to throw out their remaining budget in these last days of the year ;))
Fabien from Tokyo Dawn Records

Check out my audio processors over at the Tokyo Dawn Labs!


solidtrax wrote:Can't wait for the GE edition.. It's time you get some money from us! :)
What GE stands for ? Great Engineering ? :)


Tp3 wrote:
solidtrax wrote:Can't wait for the GE edition.. It's time you get some money from us! :)
What GE stands for ? Great Engineering ? :)

All versions stand for great engineering ;)

It's "Gentleman's Edition". A tribute to generous users/customers. :)
Fabien from Tokyo Dawn Records

Check out my audio processors over at the Tokyo Dawn Labs!

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