Spectral: Filter

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I have been playing around with Spectral for a while and I like what I hear. Whenever I sit down with a new synth I use an already familiar synth to help me get my bearings. In this case I am using Zebra.

**Before I go further it's very important for me to make clear that I am not comparing the sound quality of the two.**

For those that may be familiar with both synths, you may be able to help me understand the concept of the Osc/filter section. In my thinking the filter in Spectral is somewhat similar in function (not how it functions) to the OscFX section in the oscillators in Zebra. In my thinking the difference is that the Zebra OscFx selection is a list of presets and the user is able to adjust the depth of that fx that "spectrally" filters the Osc and modulate that depth. In Spectral you can draw the filter that is used to "spectrally" filter the ooscillator and there is greater control over the different aspects of that type of filter including various modulations.

I know the two synths are very different in a lot of different aspects. But am I barking up the right tree with this analogy?

Also, Peter, I don't mean disrespect in posting about another company's synth in your company forum. I'm looking for a little knowledge, not a fight :)


If you know Razor, then you can pretty much get the point behind Spectral - except Razor is doing things via additive synthesis, and Spectral is doing that spectrally. Oscillator and filter are completely linked in Spectral - meaning they both shape the spectral content of that oscillator, or better said: you draw a shape of the oscillator (or via harmonics, etc.) and the shape (spectral response) of the filter that you have drawn is spectrally superimposed onto the oscillator waveform. So, in essence, the filter is not a regular subtractive filter you might find in most other synths, it's working at spectral level to produce the final sound. It's not at all the same as OscFX in Zebra.


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