v3 Beta Feedback And Discussion (Bugs, Features, Suggestions)

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BluesMuse wrote: ...
Make any changes and hit SAVE.

After this it will eventually lock-up if you make more changes, especially changing the "Length" parameter up/down.
Hello BluesMuse,

pressing the 'Save' button made the application frozen. This was the biggest problem in v3.0b2, but it is already fixed. You can expect an update in about 2 days. Thank you for reporting it!

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off RapidComposer - June 3 to 18


Dear Attila,
Will you try to load the VST plug-in in Reaper? It must work, because I am using (mainly) Reaper for testing the plug-in.
Yes, I can confirm that it works. Actually, I'm quite happy now. All that is lacking now in my setup is the VST-functionality in Ableton (OS X). But I can live with that, and I'm sure you'll fix this, too, in a while.

Thanks for all!



forrestlong wrote:Hi Attila,

Thank you for this beta, very nice! :tu:
Hi Forrest,

:) This is just the beginning... the coolest features are not even added. I wanted to have a solid base on which new features can be implemented that is why I made this half-baked version available.
forrestlong wrote:One thing that I noticed is if I adjust these sliders the track freezes visually ... does not seem to effect the audio, though.
Do you mean that the track did not update while you were setting the slider? That is how it worked, but from the next update the notes in the track will be updated.
forrestlong wrote:I also just noticed that when adding the Track MIDI Controllers, 'Expression' seems to be randomly added below.
That was interesting, thank you for uploading the video. I think I managed to fix it. In addition percussion tracks can be vertically resized so that you can see the sliders, if you want.

Thank you!
Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off RapidComposer - June 3 to 18


Nextom wrote: Yes, I can confirm that it works. Actually, I'm quite happy now. All that is lacking now in my setup is the VST-functionality in Ableton (OS X). But I can live with that, and I'm sure you'll fix this, too, in a while.

Thanks for all!

Dear Thomas,

thank you for the good news.
At the moment I have no idea why it does not work in Ableton and whether it works only with my Live 9.1.1 Trial (2014-01-13). Which version of Live do you use? Maybe I should download an update and do some testing with that.

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off RapidComposer - June 3 to 18


Hello Attila!
Very good, the best is yet to come!
I'd like to add input progressions using MIDI controller inside progressions editor.
And autoaudition in browsers phrases and progressions
Thank you !
PS By the way, I drag and drop MIDI file in a new track - and immediately crash


Hi Attila,
Which version of Live do you use? Maybe I should download an update and do some testing with that.
I'm using version 8.4.2.


anyone seeing this or...



Yes, yellukhan, I see the same thing for Transpose and Strumming. Staccato-Legato looks a bit funny too. Will have to review the others.

How are you selecting multiple phrases in multiple tracks?



Hi Forrest thanks for confirm.
Selecting multiple phrase off by default in the
Settings/Miscellaneous/Inhibit phrase selection in multiple tracks ..so you have to de tick the check box.
then you need also this for de selecting all phrases at once to avoid unnecessary editing conflicts :
in v2 Alt + Click to empty track area in arrange window.
in v3 click to one of the phrase then Control+D .


yellukhan wrote:anyone seeing this or...
These UI rendering problems will be fixed shortly. I have a different system font though. The sliders sometimes display a line or even a label at 50% and this looks weird sometimes. BTW this is so for years. Feel free to complain if something is ugly...

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off RapidComposer - June 3 to 18


v3.0beta3 is available for Windows and OS X!

  • "Keep existing rhythm of chords" setting when generating progressions (in Master Track inspector)
  • New preview option: "Active Track (Chord+Bass)"
  • Resizable percussion tracks so that sliders can be accessed if necessary
  • Notes visibility improvements when the track zoomed out vertically
  • Search field in the browsers filter the list as you type
  • Clicking on a slider or button in the track header won't make it focus
  • Phrase Container (and other generator) presets preserve length when saved
  • [Windows] Fixed: Save generator preset froze the application
  • Fixed: instrument files are also copied from the old v2 DB folder (when v3 is first run)
  • Fixed: slider displayed in the track header had rounding issues (e.g. transpose -13 instead of -12)
  • Fixed: chord suggestion showed empty bubble when there were no rules
  • [OS X] Shortcuts fixed (keys where you had to press Shift did not work)
  • Other minor improvements not worth mentioning
Thanks for all the feedback! :love:
Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off RapidComposer - June 3 to 18


i do not know which one i should start..
i loved a lot Notes visibility improvements... :D

Thanks for all Attila!


Thanks, Yıldırım, I am working on the remaining issues that you sent me. My aim to have a very solid version before going on with adding new features. There are still some minor issues, but at least I can see the end of the tunnel ;)

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off RapidComposer - June 3 to 18


lulukom wrote: PS By the way, I drag and drop MIDI file in a new track - and immediately crash
Hi lulukom,

does it crash for any MIDI files, or just for a particular file? I have tried drag-and-drop, but it did not crash. Will you please send me the crash dump?

Thanks for your efforts,
Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off RapidComposer - June 3 to 18


Hi Attila,
just let me know if you want any more details about my latest report to @info...
new one..well actually i saw this in the v2 last beta couple weeks ago but forgot to report :oops:

no big one but..
also seems window doesn't keep the size if you re-sized it to see all chords.


edit.. @ lulukom
so far i tried midi drag to RC no problem here.
could you upload that problematic Midi File ...so i can test it.


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