Fyler: How to show the content of midifiles?

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I posted this question already in my questionssummary post. viewtopic.php?t=594943

But because i can´t work with midi files unless the content column shows the content (Playing, Draggin out) and i figured out a bit more i created this specifc post.

Fyler does not always fills the content column with the midinote previews. First i thought it is a matter of filenumbers and foldersize which would make sense as Fyler has to read out that information from the files first. But now my experience is this.

With some even with big folders the content is displayed. But with some even smaller folders Fyler somehow refuses to show the content. I could organize my midifiles differently. But i need desperately to know what i can do to make the content appear. Are there any hard limits i should be aware of? What can i do? Thank you!

@Attila: Please contact me, if you need more specific informations, files etc.


It should display the contents of all MIDI files. There is no limitation on the file size or note count. Will you send me a MIDI file in e-mail that is not displayed?

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V 1.08 is able to create midi thumbnails at a speed of about 20 files/sec. It also takes some time before Fyler start doing so in big folders. But in general V 1.08 displays the midicontent much better now.

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