Thanks devs for W13

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I skipped 12 but I've lurked here a while to see if anything positive would pop up . I got 40% off of 13 but haven't tried it yet I have to purchase or build a new computer this month . Glad to see they nailed it this time . And the userbase seems very positive again.


I said it another thread already but this has been by far the most stable release of Waveform in many years. Being that stability was the only thing holding me back from using Waveform as a main DAW I can say I have only worked in Waveform for the last week. Thank you to the Devs and all the hard work. This DAW should get lots of new users coming its way if 13 is an indication on where its going. Well done Tracktion team!
Windows 10 PC. Reason. Cubase. Waveform. Reaper. Studio One Pro. Epiphone Les Paul Pro II. Nektar Panorama t4. Yamaha RBX Bass. Faderport 2. Eris E5 Monitors. SSL2 Interface. Audient Evo 4. AKG C214. Aston Origin. MXL 990.

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