Logic Pro team decimated? [Answer: NO. See last post for link to new thread.]

Audio Plugin Hosts and other audio software applications discussion


whyterabbyt wrote:Im a bit crushed by this news.
Perhaps the article was a bit distorted?


dsan@mail.com wrote:
ZenPunkHippy wrote:
dsan@mail.com wrote:Sorry Andy, I have to disagree with the final part of your post. Apple being as greedy as they are are certainly capable of this sort of evil and imo willing to do evil.
You may be right, but I think there is a certain amount of responsibility on behalf of Apple to keep the AU ecosystem alive - and I have no doubt they are aware of that.

Unlike (say) a change to the USB port shape on a Mac, which affects large companies who can absorb the R&D costs + retool an assembly line, the audio community is relatively small and would be ... decimated* ... if Logic was removed from sale.


* sorry
Well said and I totally agree.

BTW - looking forward to your next product(s). Something in guitars would be wonderful :D

Happy musicking,
Here is some Camel guitar video:




VitaminD wrote:
liquidsound wrote:I'm surprised seeing what's going on with Samsung and others that Apple hasn't sued All the other DAWs companies :?

Good idea!! Samsung should hire some of the old emagic team and develop their own DAW.. call it... the Galaxys IV Pro and make it look nearly identical to Logic.. but only release it for android :dog:
Google should do it and have it free on line as well :wink:
MuLab of course :D


itsDavidAbraham wrote:
gabebrunogarza1021 wrote:
itsDavidAbraham wrote:Hope it's not true:

http://www.macworld.co.uk/macsoftware/n ... mechandate
It's okay for you to post this crap since you don't have a clue about responsible journalism, but here's the source

Pro Tools Expert sources claim that...
Hmm, no mention of names.
Is this yet another job of typical responsible journalism?

Responsible Jounalism? Does that exist any more? Who would even expect that. Lol
http://www.cnn.com/2012/11/28/tech/web/ ... ?hpt=hp_t2
In order for a rumor to spread, you need irresponsible people to spread it.
The above link shows how reporters, even though it was thru the PRWeb site (which apparently it was hacked), the reporters should have done some homework first to make sure it was a legit statement. Apparently there was mis-typings in that Google/ICOA report and other red flags as well.
Funny about trading for ICOA that there stock went up, hmm. :o

As far as the Apple thing, again, from "ProTools Expert sources" and "ex-Apple employees". :-o
I could start a rumor that that rumor was started by a Reaper user. :hihi:


All media is owned by a few capitalist. Nobody is expecting truth from them. We are just enjoying all 'rumor' provided by people around us.


I know, I know, all of you Logic and Apple fanboys will soon need a PC to run your favourite daw.

But there are always workarounds.......



standalone wrote:I know, I know, all of you Logic and Apple fanboys will soon need a PC to run your favourite daw.

But there are always workarounds.......

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


That naughty guy is snooping his baby sisters facebook. :(


this is actually true: logic 10 was being developed from the ground up this entire time and after years of testing is considered bug-free and feature complete - meaning no future updates, features, etc. it is the "end all" of pro audio (typical apple propaganda) and the remaining 2 team members are there for ceremonial "support" while i can see that this will piss off logic users, the app most be pretty f**king incredible for them to pull something like this


New Logic will come with Siri & Maps integrated.


el-bo (formerly ebow) wrote:
Winstontaneous wrote:
ZenPunkHippy wrote:
Robmobius wrote:There's definitely something going on there alright...Probably a shake up. But I doubt they will ever Abandon it.

It's just because there's a general lack of information about the whole Logic X thing. I'm sure they will get around to it eventually.
Apple ditching Logic would not only say "screw you" to 1000s if not millions of users, it would also affect 100s of developers who rely on OS X + Logic + Audio Units to make a living (not to mention and sample and loop library developers).

Apple may be evil at times, but I doubt they are evil enough to do that ... just sayin'.

Yes, but look at what Apple did with Final Cut X, basically a "screw you" to pro video editors.

It was a total "new paradigm" redesign no one in the pro video community asked for, removing the concept of "tracks", deleting a bunch of features pros need/use, and instituting a weird default ripple editing mode that can't be bypassed.

I really like the MBP I just bought but it's clear that Apple's main focus is on moving units and selling consumer widgets, not supporting pro media creators.
but this is only half the story...not really fair to print it without then reporting how they bit the bullet and responded to all the customer feedback...

i really think that things have changed at apple with regard to feedback, no more so than in the case of logic...time was when users complained about the frequency of logic updates, but in the last couple of years updates have been pretty steady including very recently

there's also the redmatica buyout by apple, clearly for some audio jiggery-pokery that will probably find it's way into some logic iteration

This whole FCPX "screw you" is overblown in my opinion. The deleted features are making their way back slowly and they've also added a number of things that weren't present before like native support for RED and native support for the many video formats (although it can be very taxing on your system without transcoding).

I do think in time, Final Cut Pro X can be the preferred choice for editing especially as more and more users without cutting physical tape as a starting point, move into editing. It's easier to get started on this version of Final Cut, compared to previous versions and I believe that alone is the major point in the redesign.

Also, this seems to be the new way of releasing major products. Adobe released a cut down version of Audition when it was ported to Mac (but now it's a solid program), so did Sony with their current Mac version of SoundForge. Adobe is still doing this with programs like Edge and Muse. The features are being added over time, as opposed to being available on release date.

Anyway, I'm curious to see what Logic X will be like, and I really hope it holds up against Logic 9. I'm glad to hear this was just a rumor.


I hear they plan on making Siri an AU plugin for Logic X. She can now sing the wrong lyrics for you automatically.
Jason Schoepfer
Rocky Mountain Sounds



Zaman wrote:Here's more

isn't that basically the exact same article? minus the mention of the source of course... "protools expert users..."


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