FR - Mono track button

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i may be out on my own here, but i'd be surprosed if i was.. hold/decay/stretch/tempo - all these parameters affect how the events overlap visually and audibly. i need function which, when switched on, will turn the track into 'mono playback' so no overlapping data is played.

quite simply, if an event's data extends into the following event, the 'mono' mode will stop playback of the extended event when the following event is triggered.

does that make sense?
am i alone in this request?



Oh - is that kinda like a choke function?
Are you only talking on one track or across all tracks in given arrangement.

It sounds like a reasonable enough idea - LiveSlice can't do something like this now?

Happiness is the hidden behind the obvious.


i suppose it could be perceived as a choker, where each event is choked by the following event. a button on each track to mono-ize it would be all i ask, and i don't think LS can do this already.

so that's a +1 :)


Ah, I get what you mean - I thought you ment mono as in "not stereo" :-) This should be simple enough to add, question is: what's the best way.
One way is: a button that automatically shortens the volume envelope (AHD parameters) to avoid overlaps.
Another way is: a button that, when activated, simply stops all playing events in a track when a new event is triggered.
The first one is more open and transparent (you can see the changes made) and allows for easier tweaking of the result, the second is simpler, but less "transparent" in the sense that the user cant see what's going on, and ajust the changes.
I can't use the label "mono" for the button though - to easily confused with "not stereo". Ideas are most welcome - take your time I won't put this in 1.45 anyways - no more new features for that version. - slice up your life


for me, the purpose wouldn't be to able to manipulate the results, just a switch to ensure that stretched/pitched-down events do not play over each other.. so the first solution is the one prefered by me.

label - urm.. legato, event-choke? i suppose 'mono' is a little ambiguous ;)


CinningBao wrote:i suppose it could be perceived as a choker, where each event is choked by the following event. a button on each track to mono-ize it would be all i ask, and i don't think LS can do this already.

so that's a +1 :)
I think it might be better to be able to control the setting per slice yeah?
Like with all the per slice sliders have one that is called "choke" or something with two settings - up - choked and down - unchoked. This should work great with events on one track.

Happiness is the hidden behind the obvious.


ah, yeah - you might have a point. that might be a better implementation - per slice. as long as they can all be locked i'll be happy (and i'd expect nothing less of this wonderful machine and it's developer!) :)


The only thing is once I start thinking about that I wonder on whether you should also be able to selectively "choke" as slice across multiple tracks in an arrangement or perhaps even more to the point whether you should be able to choose between "choke on one track only" and "choke across all tracks".

Then it starts getting a little confusing from an implementation point of view.

Happiness is the hidden behind the obvious.


would love that choke function as well !

it's missing from Phatmatik as well ... and it's damn annoying

thanks !


I agree with this FR, it seems reasonable enough and adds to the existing work flow. Practically speaking this feature would allow a user to go extreme with pitch bends and fx without the threat of overlap. Akai MPC's have this feature which is labeled "Mono" in contrast to the other two options "Poly" and "Note off". While "choke" is one label option, I wasn't exactly clear on what it did until I read your explanation. I'd suggest we label it "poly" because the feature activates and deactivates the voice behavior. As a short name it won't clutter the feature rich interface. I also like the earlier suggestion of legato.



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