Coming next (post 2.7 beta 2012-12-30)

Official support for:


Coming next wrote:* Added level per audio clip
* New mixer panel in sequencer (like in v1.4)
When nearly nobody expected it anymore... :o


nice, not needed, but at least there is some movement.


I wasn't missing this features, but good to see that energyXT goes on!


Yes, it is a bit strange how, from time to time, they add features no one seems to have asked for :?:
Well, it's good to see things moving a bit, so complaining woudl be a bit gross, but unless i'm missing something the most requested features hasn't been implemented yet, have they (like multi-core support) ?


There are nearly no features nobody has asked for...
According to Jorgen multi-core will be in XT3.
Developing a competitive DAW takes some time, as you can see with Bitwig Studio which now is at least half a year in beta testing/development stage. And this is with more than just one developer.
I think Jorgen adds those features to 2.x line mainly to stop rumors that XT software is dead.


Well, I'm interested.

I wonder what the mixer panel will have? Will it be the contents of the object-bar, just stuffed on the left hand side, or will it have something more to it..? I haven't really used 1.4 much, I jumped on the bandwagon somewhere around early 2. But checking 1.4, there's stuff like recording pre-count, delay options per track and MIDI fx on the sequencer mixer strip. I'd surely appreciate a quick MIDI transpose in there..

And I don't think 'level per audio clip' is bad either, might as well come handy. Right now the procedure for changing the level of a audio clip means opening the clip in an external editor, which is just inconvenient.

Yea, still having a good time with EnergyXT over here and nice to see development carry on.


I for one have asked for the clip level feature - it's a gaping omission to me and saves sooo much time

not sure what is meant by the "new mixer panel like xt 1.4 " - I never could get on with 1.4 - so I'm hoping it's not adding unnecessary complication

it does seem that these are a couple of random features mentioned to keep us interested - no mention of any actual bug fixes which are way overdue

In general - I'm just hoping that Jorgen doesn't go the way of all the others where bells and whistles and slick graphics are added as "cool updates" - and the program gets more and more sluggish.
My heart will sink when I load up energy xt and it takes more than 2 seconds for the start screen to appear



mickwest1 wrote:...In general - I'm just hoping that Jorgen doesn't go the way of all the others where bells and whistles and slick graphics are added as "cool updates" - and the program gets more and more sluggish.
My heart will sink when I load up energy xt and it takes more than 2 seconds for the start screen to appear
I wouldn't worry too much about this scenario.
I'm quite sure that Jorgen knows very well about the advantages of his baby and what so many people really do like about it and will be very cautious to not weaken those strengths.


ZonderP wrote:Developing a competitive DAW takes some time, as you can see with Bitwig Studio which now is at least half a year in beta testing/development stage. And this is with more than just one developer.
I think Jorgen adds those features to 2.x line mainly to stop rumors that XT software is dead.
Yes. +1
MuLab of course :D


sinkmusic wrote:Yes, it is a bit strange how, from time to time, they add features no one seems to have asked for :?:
The randomness in software development often comes from several directions:

First, developers might write a feature for a different program and realize they can reuse the code in another. And because it takes little work to modify the already written code this becomes very attractive for developers.

Second source of randomness comes from tiny accidents and inspirations. A dev might realize, "oh, if I just write two more lines here the program can do this and that." It's easy to write, so they do it even if it's not really needed because hey, why not?

A third source of randomness comes from challenges. Developers might become interested in solving a problem unrelated to the software blueprint and suddenly a new feature is born.

Programmers, especially on solo projects like this one, tend to develop on their whims. They want to enjoy coding and usually pick the most interesting things to work on, not the most needed.


good to see that there is some movement. however, there is some gap between announcing features and actually have available.
obviously new features got the most attention but from my point of view i'd like to see some "quality" enhancements, e.g. better asio performance, sandboxing of vsts and other stuff that only pop up during extended use of a daw.

still, i don't really have an image of where ext is going to: the super-easy daw as of now? the hybrid modular-sequencer as ext 1.4.1? a live environment like ableton or bitwig?

what i think is odd that most of the feature requests that can be found in the uservoice forum are quite old. i wonder if interests have changed over the years by now...


gamble wrote:good to see that there is some movement

I only just saw this thread :oops:



And don't forget the flashing KVR-advertisement every day! :hihi:


Level per audio clip is a feature I missed right away when I finally played around with eXT again, so nice to see that one added.
"New mixer panel in sequencer (like in v1.4)", anyone know what that means?

I must say that I'm having a blast with eXT again. So fast and easy to work with. No distractions.
Btw, does anyone know if there is a stereo->dual mono plugin for Mac? Something like de la Mancha's S2DM ( Or is there any other clever way to use sidechain without losing stereo signal?


Coming next wrote:* Added level per audio clip
* New mixer panel in sequencer (like in v1.4)
* Track presets

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