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Dear Friends,

in my project studio everything is based around 'real' hardware, so recently I added PC with plenty of nice software (Giga Studio, VSTi Moogs and other synths) to add more sounds to my usual Kurzweil sample library.
Now I have EXTREMAL PROBLEM, which software to use. (I already installed Reason, Cubase SX, Fruity Loops and Sound Forge). Problem is not cost or power BUT TIME AND EFFORTS to learn all that CRAP.

So, my question Nr.1:

My PC is just vey large sound source&VSTi host and I intend to push submixed 8 channels (based on maximum 16 sound channels from GIGA+Reason+VSTi) out of PC (via Echo Layla) direct to my mixing console. I understood that I will not do many manipulating etc. on PC, as I VERY MUCH PREFER to do it OUT of computer. Anyhow, for versatily, storage and new sound concepts I cannot live anymore without PC as part of all that junk.
Is Tracktion ENOUGH reliable and practically usable software to integrate above mentioned sound sources to one simple to use host?

Question Nr.2

I noticed that Trac is not syncable from outer machine. That might be a problem, as I prefer to have master sync control from my recording machine that is not PC. Any suggestion on that issue or on future releases that address the question.

I need fair and weighted opinion, as it will direct my efforts to learn program that is really necessary for the task.

Thanks in advance for all replies.

RP :(
Be rich to be free (joke).
President that Rocks


Hey there, Rock,
Welcome to K-v-R....
To address your first question, let me say this. While Tracktion does have it's limitations, one of them is not ease of use. Tracktion can and will shorten your learning curve from days, weeks or even months done to a few hours. I've tried many other multitrack/sequencer apps and Tracktion blows then all away in the usability department.
As for the sync issue you mentioned. We are just a few shorts months away from Tracktion V2 (or so I hear) so, you may see that option available in a very short time. If not Jules, the man behind Tracktion, is very willing to listen to suggestions for future upgrades of Tracktion.
For me, the bottom line is this. Tracktion allows me to focus on the music I am recording, not on the software it takes to record it.
the only othwer thing I can say is.......give it a try....download the demo and see if it will work for you. you've got nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Anyway, that's my 2 cents worth.
Good luck and happy recording.


Hey ew :) ,

thanks for your post. Good to know about upcoming sync feature, so basically I can safely turn my sight toward Track.
My point is exactly as your, not to spend time on studying 900 pages manuals instead of playing, recording and intuitive programming giving instant pleasure.

Be rich to be free (joke).
President that Rocks


We are just a few shorts months away from Tracktion V2 (or so I hear)
Personally I wouldn't build on that. It might take much longer. Since Jules doesn't post release dates nobody knows for sure (Maybe not even Jules...)
Using Tracktion for Vsti's is a breeze. I have no experience with reason or GIGA studio and Tracktion


Well, let hope Jules will give us an info about what to expect in regard to above :( .
Also, any ReWire user experience?

Good luck to all.
Be rich to be free (joke).
President that Rocks


Hey Rock...
I'm glad you found the info helpful. However, I didn't mean to imply that the "sync" feature is certain to be included the next version of Tracktion, but I have seen quite a few posts in various forums asking for that feature, so it is a very good possiblility.
Another issue I should mention is that you say you want to do most of your "sound processing" outboard of your PC. This was my mindset also, before I started using Tracktion. But, Tracktion makes it so easy to use VST effects and instruments that I have completely turned that around. Now, whenever possible I record "raw" into Tracktion and do all the signal processing in Tracktion. The workflow and signal flow is so logical and intuitive that it has increased my productivity 10 fold. I have to admit I have recorded a couple of songs without even touching my "REAL" instruments. It also helps that there are literally thousands of VST's available online, many of which are absolutely free. this means that I don't have to spend my time schlepping from music store to music store to find what I need or want. All in all, PC recording has become a very powerful tool for music production and one that wasn't available to any of us as little as 10 years ago.
One other thing I should confess to you. You were asking for an "unbiased" opinion on Tracktion. I have to be honest and say that I am definitely biased towards Tracktion. After beating my head against the wall with so many other music apps, Tracktion was a very refreshing surprise. I'm still having to pinch myself every once in a while to make sure it's not just a dream.
Anyway, in case you haven't guessed, I'm a Tracktion addict.
That's all for now. feel free to shout if you have any questions.
Good luck and happy recording.


Well, you can not have more then 144 tempo shifts. Id like a 1000 constructive tempo shifts.
But hey! Im cracy. :help: Allso option of same short key edits on midi and audio, would be a time saver.

-other then that, and a few copy-paste short key malfuntions on mac, tracktion has ten times speed up my workflow, compared to Cubase SX, and Digital Performer.

Allso carefully select your VSTis. With some, you can start recording controller data straight away, others need looking into the manual, to set up this funktionality. (can you belive it?)

Im ditching Kontakt, and manny other top end VSTs, just based on workflow.



Well guys 8) ,

thanks for posts, I am moving toward Trackt now, as it seems, that most of other users on forum are 95-100% satisfied.
Just my reply on outboard processing, it has something with analog touch I can add only out of digital domain, as well as, with dedicated reverb gear that can hardly be compared to what I heard in VST or similar formats. No more than that and it is obviously matter of taste.
Of course I 'll forget sync for the time being and just record submixed tracks to my (again outboard) recorder before final mixing in console.
After Track get sync feature I'll be ready to include 'Made in Tracktion' to list of credits for my work.

Good luck to all, thumbs up for good news Jules.

Rock :)
Be rich to be free (joke).
President that Rocks

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