Can I use two instances of Hellrazer panned L/R without phasing issues?

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Hi. I've owned this library for a few years now but haven't really used it because of the assumption that it wouldn't meet all of my needs.

The deal breaker for me is I want to be able to have two instances of Hellrazer, one hard panned left and one hard panned right. I know there's a pseudo doubling option within Hellrazer, but my rhythm guitar parts wouldn't always play the exact same thing (harmony and whatnot), so that feature doesn't help me.

This is something that I can easily do with no hassle with several of my other guitar libraries. If I run two instances of hellrazer, will I run into phasing issues due to them sharing the same pool of samples? Is there a way to get around this potential issue that I'm missing?


I don't think it will be an issue, but if it is you can delay one of the tracks by a few milliseconds. Your DAW should have that option.


I use 2 hellrazer to pan right and left. No issue so far

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